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Finding Forgiveness: Poconos Pack, Book 1 Page 8
Finding Forgiveness: Poconos Pack, Book 1 Read online
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“Impatient, are we?” Dave crawled up the bed until his face was level with Ben’s cock. “Where’s the lube, Ben?”
Ben reached into the side table drawer and pulled out a bottle, placing it next to him on the pillow. His breathing was quick and shallow, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.
This wouldn’t do. Ben was so tense that no matter what Dave did he knew it would hurt. He had to get Ben to relax, and he had just the way to do it. He needed to make his mate come in the worst way, and if getting Ben off once before he took him relaxed the man, then that’s what Dave would do.
Dave leaned down and licked a long, slow line up his mate’s cock. Ben’s indrawn hiss was the only indication Dave had that he was doing something Ben liked. If anything, the man’s thighs tensed up even more.
Dave lapped at his man’s cock like his life depended on his performance. He treasured it, loved on it until his mate was writhing beneath the gentle movements of his tongue, and he still hadn’t taken Ben in his mouth yet.
He reached for the bottle of lube and slicked his fingers up, careful to keep his tongue in constant contact with Ben’s cock. He teased his mate’s hole with gentle strokes, hoping to get him used to the feel of Dave’s touch. He leaned up and over Ben’s cock and, with one last flick of his tongue, took his mate into his mouth. At the same time, he carefully pushed his finger inside Ben.
“Oh shit.” Ben was groaning. “Ow. Shit. So good.”
Dave tried not to smile as his mouth moved up and down his mate’s cock, his finger sliding in and out of Ben’s hole. He searched for and found the rough spot inside his mate that had the man practically levitating off the bed.
“Oh God, Dave. Suck me, baby, please.” Ben’s hands finally let go of the sheets to bury themselves in Dave’s hair, holding on as Dave sucked on him. His knees drew up, then straightened, his hips twisting either to get away from or get more of Dave’s mouth and finger. Dave couldn’t tell which, but from the way Ben was digging his fingers into Dave’s hair he’d bet it was the latter.
Dave pulled his finger from Ben’s ass and slicked up some more. He was going to add two fingers, stretch his mate out a little more. This first time he took Ben with his cock it would be uncomfortable, he knew that, but he’d do everything in his power to make Ben crave this. And this was the first step in making it merely uncomfortable rather than painful.
He concentrated his efforts on the head of Ben’s cock as he inserted both fingers into Ben. The hitch in Ben’s breathing and the tensing of his thighs let him know it burned, but Ben didn’t say a word. He just thrust his cock into Dave’s mouth. “Suck it. Make me come, Dave.”
Dave was happy to oblige. He stroked Ben’s prostate and sucked his mate’s cock, willing the man to come.
“Close. Please.”
Dave doubled his efforts, determined that Ben would get pleasure, even if taking him caused him some pain. Ben groaned, his hands tightened, and he was coming in Dave’s mouth in wave after wave of salty, bitter goodness.
By the time he was done Dave had slicked up a third finger and was carefully working it into his relaxed mate. “That sounded good.”
Ben’s grin was goofy. His eyes were closed, his expression one of relaxed bliss. “Oooh, yeeah.”
Dave laughed. “I’ll have to see if I can do that again.” It didn’t matter that Dave’s cock was so hard it hurt; watching his mate melt for him was worth the pain. It eased the raging need inside him to see his mate come, pleasured into a stupor.
Ben nodded so hard Dave thought his head might fall off his shoulders. “Yes, please, thank you.”
Dave laughed again and twisted his fingers. “I’m going to fuck you soon.”
One of Ben’s eyes opened. He swiped feebly at Dave. “You can try.”
He sounded way too relaxed to stop Dave. Dave stuck his tongue out and tickled the head of his mate’s now flaccid cock. “There is no try. Only do.”
Ben snorted. “Thank you, Yoda, for that insight.”
“I try.” Dave bent his fingers until they gently rasped over Ben’s prostate again.
Ben twitched. He drew in a deep breath. “Do that again.”
Dave knew his grin was evil, but he really didn’t give a shit. “My pleasure.”
Dave might say it was his pleasure but Ben knew the truth. Dave was holding back, doing everything he could to make sure Ben enjoyed their first time together.
He wouldn’t lie to his mate. The first finger had felt weird, almost uncomfortable. The second had stung, made him tense up until Dave took him into his mouth and began sucking his brains out through his cock. By the time the third finger had been introduced into his virgin ass he was so relaxed he barely felt the sting.
But he was feeling now. Oh boy, was he feeling now. Those wicked fingers were stroking something inside him that made his drained cock want to sit up and sing the Hallelujah Chorus again. Add in the primal urge to make his mate come, the need to see Dave’s face in ecstasy, and he was more than ready to take this to the next level.
Ben watched as Dave took him once more in his mouth, sucking on Ben’s cock like it was a fucking straw in an extra-thick milkshake. The man was determined to make Ben come again. Ben wasn’t complaining. Dave could suck his cock as much as he wanted.
But he never, ever wanted to know how his mate had learned to do this. He might lose his damn mind and go postal on some unsuspecting twink’s ass if he did.
His cock grew under the skilled lips and tongue of his mate until he was as hard as he’d been before. Dave’s stroking fingers had picked up momentum, fucking into him even as he fucked Dave’s willing mouth. Any discomfort was gone now, lost in a sea of pleasure, his eyes closed as he did nothing but feel.
But then the pleasure abruptly ceased. Ben frowned, wondering what had happened. But all confusion left him as he heard soft, squishing sounds.
Dave was greasing his cock, preparing to take Ben.
“Let me in, Ben.” Ben opened his eyes to find Dave hovering over him, both hands braced on the bed, his mouth inches from Ben’s. “Let me fuck you.”
Dave’s hips pushed forward, his cock nudging Ben’s twitching hole.
Ben thought of all the years missed, all the agony he’d forced his mate to suffer, and decided he wouldn’t even try to fight it anymore. Dave had earned this, and not through fucking Rock Paper Scissors either. He smiled and relaxed as much as he could, dragging his mate’s mouth down to his. He needed to taste his man, take those luscious lips, conquer one part of him just as Dave conquered part of Ben. He thrust his tongue deep into Dave’s mouth in a savage kiss as Dave slowly stroked into him, gentle to the core even as Ben ravaged him.
Dave ripped his mouth from Ben’s, panting heavily. “Enough. I’m in, Ben.” His wolf’s eyes glowed down at Ben with a brutal hunger and desperate need. “I’m inside you.”
He could feel him, hot and pulsing deep inside. “I know.” He shifted slightly, the uncomfortable stretch of his mate in his ass making him wince. “Are we sure about this? I mean, I was cool with the whole blow job thing.”
Dave grinned. “Wait and see, cherry boy.” He leaned down and took a quick sip from Ben’s willing mouth. “It gets a hell of a lot better from here.”
“Says the man on top.”
Dave’s brows rose arrogantly. His hips shifted, his cock dragging almost all the way out. Ben waited for the sensation to get better.
Dave’s hands slid down, gripped his ass and shifted him ever so slightly. He stroked back in, and Mary Malone’s baby boy saw God.
“Holy shit!” Ben’s hands rose and clutched Dave’s shoulders. Whatever Dave had done, however he’d moved, had Ben’s whole body lit with pleasure.
“There, huh?” Dave pulled out again, brushing over that spot in Ben’s ass again.
Ben groaned. “More. Give me more.”
Dave placed his lips against Ben’s. “My pleasure.”
And that big bastard began to move, fucki
ng Ben through the mattress, making Ben see stars that had never belonged in the night sky. And all the while he kept their lips touching, barely kissing, each of them breathing in the other until Ben couldn’t tell where one began and the other ended.
“Gonna.” Dave’s pants were harsh, strained. He was holding back, waiting for Ben.
He wouldn’t have to wait long. Ben was close, really close. “Together.”
Dave damn near sobbed. “Shit. Now?”
Ben reached down and stroked his cock in time to his lover’s thrusts. His spine tingled, his hips arching to meet Dave’s thrusts. He felt the beginning of his orgasm flow through him and barely managed to moan, “Now!”
Coming with Dave’s mouth on him had been incredible. Coming with Dave’s cock in his ass could be listed as a religious experience. He could hear his mate’s agonized grunts, knew Dave was filling his ass. Ben was coming and coming, his ass clenching down on Dave’s cock and making his orgasm even stronger as Dave rubbed his newly discovered happy spot. He bit down on the mating mark on Dave’s chest, making Dave howl as his orgasm went on and on until Ben thought he’d pass out from the pleasure.
Dave collapsed over him, his cock still twitching in Ben’s ass. “Jesus fuck.”
Ben laughed breathlessly. He was sweaty, covered in come and happier than he’d ever been in his life. He hugged his mate close and breathed in their mingled scents. “Amen.”
Dave snuggled his mate close, damn near bursting with happiness. Ben was his, all his. No one, not Steve, not Rick, not even the Leo himself could tear them apart now.
“So. You’ve done this before.”
Ben, on the other hand, was an entirely different matter. “Wanna do Disney Quest?” And he gave Ben his best innocent grin.
And it worked about as well as it did on Dave’s mother. Ben’s eyes narrowed. His mouth opened, and Dave just knew he was about to ask a question the answer to which might get Dave dead just a few minutes after consummating their mating. “Well?”
“I refuse to answer on the grounds that I might be incinerated.” He pulled the sheet over his head to hide his face from Ben, but all it did was make their combined scent stronger. There was no air movement below the blanket, and their scent was strong.
“Shit.” Ben thumped him on the head with a pillow. “I don’t want to know any details. Just tell me you never had feelings for anyone else, okay?”
He pulled the blanket back down and stared Ben right in the eyes so his mate would know he was serious. “I never loved anyone but you. You know that.”
“But you fucked other men.”
Dave sighed. “I was a teenager. Chock full of hormones. And my mate hated the very sight of me.” He shrugged. “If it helps, it’s been a few years.” He grinned up at Ben. “What about you?”
Ben’s jaw clenched before he grunted in disgust. “I refuse to answer on the grounds that I might be incinerated.” He flopped down on the bed, his face buried in the pillow. “Damn it.”
Dave would have been pissed if he’d remained celibate, but after hooking up with other men in an effort to forget Ben, he understood why Ben had gone hunting. “It didn’t work for you either, did it?” He knew from experience how tainted he’d felt afterward. Hell, if at any time he was in danger of becoming an alcoholic it would have been during those years when he’d needed Ben but had taken others. After a while his wolf refused to allow him to touch anyone at all. The despair had been nearly overwhelming.
Ben turned his head until they were nose to nose, the expression on his face full of distant unhappiness. “No. It didn’t.” His hand cupped Dave’s cheek. “You’re my only love.” His eyes narrowed. “And I’d better be your only, Mr. Gay Pride Week.”
Dave blinked. “Blizzard Beach sounds good.”
The warning in his mate’s voice had him sliding off the edge of the bed. “Or we could hit Typhoon Lagoon. You know. Whichever you prefer.”
Ben sat up and winced. “Ow!”
Dave was back at his side in an instant. “What?”
Before he knew it he was on his back, Ben straddling him with a triumphant look. “Gotcha.”
Dave tugged Ben down into a crushing embrace, for once positive Ben wasn’t going to turn him away. “Yeah. You do.”
“What in holy hell is that?”
Ben grinned at his Alpha and fingered the edge of his Trophy Wife T-shirt. “Dave gave it to me.”
“And you’re seriously planning on wearing that to the Pack meeting.” Rick shook his head. “I’ve heard of pussy whipped, but that’s a new one on me.”
Ben glared at Rick. “Would you like me to fetch your cape, Little Red? It’s kinda chilly out tonight.”
“And he might run into Grandma again?” The Luna leaned into Rick, her green eyes dancing with laughter. “I like your shirt, Ben.”
Dave’s scent drifted over him, surrounded him. It soothed him, kept Rick’s barely bottled laughter from bothering him too much. “I do too.”
“I gather your vacation went well?” Belle waggled her brows.
“Oh hell yes.” Ben’s answering smirk was full of satisfaction. “Let’s just say Space Mountain was most definitely conquered.”
“Oh, hey, Ben! How was Disney—” Chela, the Pack Omega, stopped just in the doorway to Ben’s office, her eyes glued to Ben’s T-shirt. “Holy hell. He’s been Stepfordized. Before you know it he’ll be making crème brûlèe and doing dishes. With a smile.”
The Alpha pair burst into laughter.
“My God.” Ted, his Second, followed Chela into the office. “What the hell did he do to you?” Ted was grinning. “Is this penance?”
“It started out that way, yeah.” Ben stroked his shirt, Dave’s scent drifting once more to his nose. “But not anymore.”
The ruling hierarchy of the Pack, minus the Beta, laughed at him on their way out the door. “See you in a few, Ben.” Ted winked at him. “I think I saw Dave headed this way.”
Ben couldn’t help it. He straightened up, earning another laugh from his Second before the man left him alone in the office. He’d been smiling since they’d come home from Disney, and he didn’t think he’d be stopping any time soon.
This was their first Pack meeting since coming home a mated pair. Dave had been running around ever since, finalizing a summer wedding, dealing with Pack issues Rick needed his assistance on and dealing with moving into Ben’s cabin. Ben hadn’t wanted to move; he loved his view off his back porch, and Dave hadn’t cared enough to fight him on it. Once Chela heard Dave’s cabin would soon be empty she’d promptly claimed the larger space for her own.
The only thing that marred his happiness was Dave falling into bed every night exhausted. Ben hadn’t realized how much pressure his mate was under until they’d come home. The man ran himself ragged, barely able to eat the meals Ben had prepared before damn near passing out.
Ben was going to have a chat with Rick about that soon. If he had to he’d pull the Marshall card, because this directly involved Dave’s health. Dave needed someone to take the stress off him. They needed to hire someone to be Dave’s assistant. Ben didn’t care if it was a Wolf, a human or a goddamn Grizzly, just so long Dave could breathe again.
Hell, maybe Charlie the Lion would be willing to take the post. The two got along like a house afire, and was someone Ben could tolerate close to his mate. She was almost as protective of Dave as Ben himself.
“Hey, Ben. What’s with the frown?”
Ben pulled his smiling mate between his legs and accepted the kiss Dave gave him. Man, his mate knew how to use his mouth. “I’m worried about you.”
Dave frowned and tilted his head. “Why?”
“Your work load. I don’t want you to stress too much.” Dave hadn’t had a migraine since the aborted one while on vacation. Ben didn’t want his mate to suffer through another one.
Dave’s expression became serious, the way it did only when he discussed t
he truly important things. “It’s my job, Ben.”
“I know. Which is why I’m thinking we should talk Rick into hiring an assistant for you.”
Dave looked surprised, but only for a moment. “Oh, for the event planning. Not a bad idea. We’d have to get Belle in on it too, since the restaurant hosts a lot of the dinners for these events, and she’d have to work with whoever we hired.”
Ben grimaced. “Hell. I was gonna suggest Charlie, but maybe we should hire a Grizzly instead.”
Dave choked on a laugh and patted Ben’s ass. “C’mon, we’re going to be late for the Pack meeting.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Ben started to follow his mate out the door but stopped dead at the sight of something white sticking out of the top of Dave’s jeans. “What the hell?”
Dave winked and raced off, flashing that little bit of white tulle behind him, but not before Ben collapsed in laughter. Oh yeah. The mocking would be bad.
But it would be so worth it.
About the Author
Dana Marie Bell wrote her first short story when she was thirteen years old. She attended the High School for Creative and Performing Arts for creative writing, where freedom of expression was the order of the day. When her parents moved out of the city and placed her in a Catholic high school for her senior year, she tried desperately to get away, but the nuns held fast, and she graduated with honors despite herself.
Dana has lived primarily in the Northeast (Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, to be precise), with a brief stint on the US Virgin Island of St. Croix. She lives with her soul mate and husband Dusty, their two maniacal children, an evil, ice-cream stealing cat and a bull terrier that thinks it’s a Pekinese.
You can learn more about Dana at www.danamariebell.com or contact her at [email protected].
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