Finding Forgiveness: Poconos Pack, Book 1 Page 7
“You’ll like this. It’s a great room.”
“Mm-hmm.” He was prepared to hate it on principle. It was Steve’s room, not Ben’s.
He followed Ben into the suite, impressed despite himself. It was like the room he’d been in, only enhanced, improved. There was a dinette set with a banquette and a few chairs. The kitchen had dark cabinets and a light countertop. The living room boasted a comfy looking sofa and chair.
“The balcony goes from the living room to the bedroom.” Ben, his hands empty of suitcases, opened the glass doors. “I’ll show you.”
Dave stepped out into the cool evening air and followed Ben around the balcony. Ben opened another set of glass doors that led into a decent sized bedroom dominated by a huge bed. Dave nearly groaned in relief at the sight. His head was still swimming, but at least the headache was receding.
“Crawl in, baby. I’ll take care of everything.”
Dave did as he was told, not even bothering to pull off his sandals. The nausea had died down, but even so he was glad to get into bed.
He felt Ben tug his sandals off. “Want me to help you get undressed?”
He rolled over and gave Ben a look.
Ben’s hands went to his hips. “I’m not asking for sex. I’m asking you to let me help.”
Dave closed his eyes and sighed. “Sure.” He buried his head in the pillow and tried to ignore the feel of Ben’s hands tugging his clothes off. He lifted up long enough for Ben to pull off his T-shirt, leaving him in nothing but his boxers.
“Damn. Just…damn.”
Dave would have laughed at the heated awe in Ben’s voice if he wasn’t so tired. “Lights.”
Darkness filled the room. Dave allowed himself to drift away, the cool air dancing across his skin soothing him into sleep.
Chapter Eight
Ben sat in the living room and filled out the room service form. No way was Dave leaving that bedroom until Ben was certain the migraine had been averted. He filled out the form, requesting Mickey-shaped waffles, juice, and coffee. He hung the sheet on the doorknob as instructed. That done, he turned his attention once more to Dave.
He couldn’t believe Dave had thought the whole day had been some sort of dream. No wonder he’d been so relaxed, so willing to forgive. Ben had thought they’d gotten past that in Magic Kingdom with the nonexistent pizza rain. What had made Dave think it was still a dream? The fact that he’d put on the shirt? The easy way they’d gotten along?
Ben scrubbed his hands across his face. Who knew his very presence was enough to give Dave a migraine?
Ben picked up his cell phone and dialed a number he’d memorized for just such an emergency. “Dr. Howard? It’s Ben Malone.”
“Hey, Ben. What can I help you with?”
Ben prepared to lie his ass off. “My mate’s in our bedroom, and he’s begun a migraine. I’ve given him the initial dose of Imitrex, but I was wondering when he should get the next one? I didn’t want to ask him, since the first one made him fall asleep.”
“Hmm. You’re mated?”
Ben crossed his fingers. “Yes.”
“Good. The dose I gave him is the strongest they make. You can give him a second pill in two hours, but that’s it. No more after that. If the migraine doesn’t go away you’ll have to deal with it, unfortunately.”
“Shit. Okay. Will do. Is there anything else I can do to try and stop it? We’re on vacation, celebrating our mating, and I’d hate for Dave to miss out.”
Ben almost felt guilty. “Thanks.”
“Pick up some Excedrin Migraine. That will help. Not too much of that, either, it’s got caffeine in it. Too much caffeine can make the migraine worse.”
Ben got up, ready to scratch the coffee off the morning breakfast list.
“But don’t cut the caffeine out altogether. A little helps push the medicine through his system and can ease the symptoms.”
Ben sat back down, grateful he didn’t have to give up his black gold. “Thanks, Doc. Anything else I need to know?”
“Yup. If he’s vomiting for more than an hour or the symptoms become truly severe, take him to the hospital. He’ll need to be admitted.”
Ben nodded, forgetting the doctor couldn’t see it. “Thanks, Doc.”
“You’re welcome. And Ben?”
“Take care of him.”
“I will. I promise.”
Ben hung up the phone and prepared himself for a long night.
Someone was snoring. Loudly.
Dave opened his eyes and looked around at the unfamiliar room. Dark walls, soft bed, Ben Malone stretched out next to him and snor—
Wait. What?
Dave reached over and pinched himself. Yup, it hurt. So either his mate dreams had become incredibly realistic, or Ben was really lying next to him. In a bed.
Fully clothed.
Dave shimmied to the edge of the bed and rolled off. A quick glance showed him the bathroom, and he made quick use of it, startled to see his own brushes and things right next to Ben’s. A thrill went through him at the thought of his toothbrush snuggling up next to the Marshall’s.
He shook his head. This wasn’t real. It couldn’t be.
He tiptoed into the living room and headed right for the coffee maker. He needed caffeine to sort this all out, and he needed it now.
On the counter next to the coffee maker was his Imitrex. Suddenly, the day before came rushing back. Splash Mountain. Ben’s jealousy over Charlie. The T-shirt. Max and Emma’s wedding, and Dave in white tulle. Finding out it wasn’t a dream. He took a deep breath and leaned against the counter, staring at that box and trying to calm himself. He couldn’t risk reactivating the migraine. Not now.
Not when his dream was so close to being reality.
Ben had taken care of him last night. He’d been everything Dave had always dreamed he’d be: loving, attentive, caring of his mate’s needs.
Am I sure I’m not dreaming?
Dave was very proud of the fact that he didn’t jump. “Morning.” He pushed himself up and turned to face his mate. “How’d you sleep?”
God, the man looked gorgeous in the morning. His hair was sleep-tousled, his eyes drowsy. Stubble highlighted his strong jaw. Ben’s brows rose. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Ben stretched, tightening the fabric of the T-shirt against his chest.
Dave shrugged, uncomfortable now that he knew this was really happening. How did he handle…? Dave blinked.
Ben was still wearing the T-shirt. From the scent, he’d slept in it. Every time he moved their combined scents drifted to Dave. It was as if he’d marked the man without laying a fang on him.
Ben’s smile was knowing as he stepped around Dave. “Coffee?”
“Dear God in heaven, yes.”
Ben laughed, but before he could start making the coffee there was a knock at the front door. “Room service!”
Ben let the waiter in. The man quickly deposited the food, got Ben’s signature, and left, leaving the tantalizing scent of waffles and coffee behind. Dave was already settling in to eat at the banquette when Ben slid in next to him. “So. I promised I’d explain this morning.”
Dave added some fresh fruit to the top of his waffles and cut into them. “And grovel,” Dave added around a bite of waffle. Damn, the food here was good.
Ben grinned. “And grovel. But explanations first.”
“That day in the woods when I found you with Steve and you told me not to tell anyone. It wasn’t because you were running off to have sex with him, was it?”
Ben looked shocked. “Hell, no. My dad told the Pack leaders I’d run away from home, which wasn’t true. I was trying to avoid him because he’d been drinking.” Ben added butter and syrup to his waffles, but Dave could tell his attention was really somewhere in the past. “Steve knew what was going on with my old man. He was the only one who believed me.”
“I would have
Ben sighed. “I know that now. But you were too young to deal with it, and I wasn’t quite old enough to trust you yet.”
“Yup. That only took…hmm. Do you trust me yet?”
Ben winced. “Yes, I trust you. I wore the damn shirt, didn’t I?”
Dave waved his fork at Ben. “That’s completely different, and you know it.”
Ben stood up and hiked up the tail of his shirt. He turned around and showed Dave his back. “You see the scar on my lower back?”
Dave leaned in. This was the first time Ben had allowed him this close to his naked skin. Sure enough, there was a faint scar. He ran his finger down it, enjoying the way Ben shivered under his light touch. “Your father?”
“That’s not the only scar.” Ben tugged the shirt back into place and sat back down to his breakfast. “He’d drink, he’d do horrible things, he’d get sober and he’d apologize. Lather, rinse, repeat. I was this close to leaving the Pack and going lone when Rick challenged his grandfather and won control of the Pack.” Ben grinned. “I never thought I’d see the old man relieved to lose his Alpha status.”
“He’d been Alpha a long time, waiting for a suitable replacement. His son and daughter-in-law dying so soon after Rick was born was hard on him.” Dave shook his head. “Sometimes I think that’s why he isolated us so much.”
“Maybe.” Ben shook his head. “Anyway, that doesn’t matter now. Dad managed to get them to believe him no matter what I said or did. It was like they didn’t want to know.” He sighed. “Dad… Let’s just say I can’t abide being around drunks.”
Dave picked up his coffee mug and leaned back in his seat. “I don’t drink as often as you think I do.”
“I’m beginning to realize that.” Ben stared at him, his expression so sincere Dave had to stop himself from leaning across the table and consoling him. “I should have talked to you rather than assuming things. I really am sorry.”
“Sorry enough to wear that T-shirt at the next Pack meeting?”
Dave was shocked when Ben nodded. “It smells like us.” Ben’s eyes had brightened, the golden brown of his wolf’s eyes bleeding away the dark, nearly black of his iris.
Dave was proud of the fact that his hands weren’t shaking when he set his coffee mug back down. He could feel his own eyes shifting in response to his mate’s desire. The scent of Ben’s need was stronger, overpowering their combined scent. “It does, doesn’t it?” He leaned forward and placed both hands, palms up, on the table. “What hurt the most was the fact that you never spoke to me like I meant anything to you.”
Ben laid his hands in Dave’s. “I couldn’t let myself. I couldn’t get trapped in a relationship with an alcoholic. I couldn’t give my life over to someone whose soul didn’t belong to them. I knew if I let you close to me we’d wind up mated. I pushed you away to save myself and wound up hurting you in ways I’d never dreamed of.”
Dave closed his eyes. “I needed you.”
“I know.” The pain behind those words told him that Ben had suffered too. Ben squeezed his hands. “I can’t change the past, but I can promise I’ll be there from now on. Can you forgive me?”
Dave stared into his mate’s eyes, reading the sincere regret, the determination to win him over and the urge to mark, to mate, that dominated his thoughts, and made his decision. “If you ever shut me out again I will feed you to Charlie. In bite-size pieces. Dainty bite-size pieces.”
The smile that lit up Ben’s face was worth it.
Still, there were some things that needed to be said. Dave had waited a long time for this, and he wasn’t going to lose out on it now. “We’re hitting the parks. This is our honeymoon, whether you like it or not. You will go on water rides and get soaked.” Ben grimaced, but Dave didn’t let up. “I’ve been saving for this for a really long time. No way are you getting out of it. Space Mountain will be conquered. Understood?”
Ben didn’t care what they did so long as he got Dave’s sexy ass naked and in bed within the next five minutes. “Fine. But first, I’m marking you.” Ben lunged across the table, but he wasn’t quite fast enough to catch Dave. The Beta was on his feet and gone, leaving Ben to clutch the air he’d occupied.
“Wait. Do you honestly think I’m going to be the catcher in this little ball game?” Dave grinned, the goofy look Ben had come to love on his face. His mate wanted to play.
Ben was willing to oblige him. “I’m sorry; which one of us lost that air hockey game?”
“That was for tulle, not tush.”
Ben started laughing. The man was insane, and everything he’d ever needed. “You’re so goin’ down.”
“You wish.” Dave leered at him, but Ben could see the remnants of fear lingering in his eyes. Part of Dave still believed Ben would push him away.
Once he’d marked Dave that fear would disappear. It had to. Ben couldn’t bear to see it in Dave’s eyes anymore. “C’mere, Dave.”
Dave’s goofy grin turned feral, the Beta’s power pulsing around him. “No.” He crooked his finger at Ben. “You come here.”
Ben fought the pull of his Beta, but it was hard. “Do I look like a bottom?”
Dave nodded, his hot gaze travelling up and down Ben’s body.
“Hell, no.” No way was Dave shoving anything up Ben’s ass.
That feral grin turned downright evil, and Ben feared for himself. “Are you telling me you’re a cherry boy?”
Ben glared at Dave, refusing to answer, but he knew his cheeks were bright red. “You know there’s only one way to decide this.”
Dave smirked, the picture of utmost confidence. “You sure you wanna do this?”
“Oh yeah.” Ben held up his closed fist.
“Are you prepared for the abject humiliation that will follow your defeat?” Dave laughed at Ben’s low growl. He held up his own fist. “Ready?”
“Rock paper scissors shoot! Shit.” Ben looked at his flat hand and Dave’s vee’d fingers and knew he’d lost the first round. “Best two out of three.”
Dave shrugged. “If you like; just know you’ll lose.”
Ben gritted his teeth. No way could he lose this, or he’d lose something a lot dearer to him. His butt cheeks clenched. “Rock paper scissors shoot! Hah! Paper covers rock.” One more win and his ass was safe.
Dave merely held up his fist. “Last one.”
“Rock paper scissors shoot!” Ben stared down at his vee’d fingers, a chill running down his spine.
“Rock breaks scissors.”
Before he could react to his loss Dave was on him, his fangs buried in Ben’s neck, and Ben forgot everything but his raging hard-on.
Chapter Nine
Dave shivered at the needy moan Ben let loose. He needed his mate to mark him back, to claim Dave the way he’d always dreamed. “Bite me. Make me yours.” Dave carefully removed Ben’s shirt. No way was he damaging it. The man had sworn to wear it to the Pack meeting. If that didn’t say commitment Dave didn’t know what did. The mocking would be relentless, and Ben had to know that.
Belle was going to have a field day with it.
Ben growled. He buried his fangs in Dave’s naked chest, the pain of the bite rapidly fading as Ben pumped him full of the mating enzyme that would mark Dave as his forever. Dave’s dick hit Def Con One, ready to shoot off at the slightest move Ben made.
Shit. He had to get Ben naked now. Anything less was unacceptable. He cupped the back of Ben’s head. “Let go, Ben.”
Ben growled and stroked Dave’s cock through his boxers.
“Shit, Ben. You want me to come in your hand?”
He felt more than saw Ben’s nod.
“Hell, no.” He tapped Ben’s ass. “This baby is all mine.” Dave pulled Ben’s head away from his chest by the hair. That beautiful, dark silky hair he now had every right to touch. “You’re mine, Benjamin Malone.” It took all his strength to keep the sudden tears from his eyes. You’re finally mine.
Some of the feral need leached away from
Ben’s face to be replaced by a tenderness so sweet Dave almost lost his battle with his tears. “Yours, baby. Forever.”
Without further prompting Ben stripped, and Dave got to look his fill without fear he’d see contempt or loathing in his mate’s eyes. Ben was seriously ripped, with six-pack abs and a chest that begged for Dave’s hands. Faint scars marred his skin here and there, scars he’d noticed but never thought twice about. Now that he knew where they’d come from he had the urge to kiss each and every one of them. He couldn’t make what had happened to Ben better, but he could show his mate that none of it mattered anymore. Dave’s eyes travelled farther south, and Ben’s cock twitched. His lips curled in a hungry grin at the sight of his mate’s desire.
“Now you.”
Dave’s brows rose at the command in Ben’s voice. He had the feeling that, no matter what he might think, they’d both wind up “catching” at some point. Ben was too dominant to be a permanent bottom, and Dave would do anything to make his mate happy.
But first things first. He was the Beta, after all, and he’d won the right to take his mate first. Dave was going to make Ben beg for him.
Dave slid his boxers down and kicked them aside. His erection bobbed as he walked backward toward the bedroom. “Tell me you packed lube.”
Ben’s brows rose. “Of course. I was coming to claim your ass. I may not have been a Boy Scout but I understand ‘Be prepared’.”
Dave grinned. “And maybe someday you will get a shot at my ass.” He almost laughed as Ben stumbled. “But today, to the victor goes the spoils.” He pointed to the bed. “Lay down and spread ’em.” He eyed the bed and sighed. “Just like a virgin sacrifice.”
Ben growled as he stomped past Dave. “Asshole.”
“Not yet. I have to prep you first, remember?” Dave batted his lashes at Ben, laughing at the man’s grumbles.
Ben climbed onto the bed and positioned himself on his back. “Let’s get it over with.” The state of Ben’s cock belied the grumpy tone of voice. It was rock-hard, standing up from the dark curls of Ben’s crotch.