Never More Read online

Page 3

  “Worst. Bachelorette party. Ever.” Ruby kicked Amanda in the ankle. “And it’s all your fault.”

  “You loved every minute of it.” Ruby always did this. She’d fought Amanda on the devil costume, and look where that had gotten her. Married to the hottie of her dreams.

  Ruby stuck her tongue out but didn’t deny it.

  “See? Totally worth it.” Now if their bail could only be posted, they’d have the rest of the night to chat and enjoy themselves. Perhaps Amanda would finally ferret the secret out of Ruby before they dropped off for the night.

  Amanda was not returning to D.C. without making sure she wasn’t leaving her bestie in a situation that could hurt her. If someone could take Shane, then Ruby would be no match for them. And they never had told Amanda who had taken Shane, or why, or whether or not they were even in jail.

  The more she thought about it, the more concerned she became. One way or another, she would get to the bottom of it, even if she had to stay in Nebraska longer than planned to do it. Ruby was the closest thing Amanda had to a family, and she’d protect her with her dying breath.

  Raven whistled cheerfully as he headed toward the police station. Could his day get any better?

  “I fail to see what you find so amusing in all of this.” Robin’s eyes were eerily green as he surveyed the area around the police station. They matched the green of the shirt just peeking out of the collar of his retro, double-breasted, high-necked jacket. “My bondmate is sitting in a jail cell, more than likely surrounded by villains and thieves.”

  That silky-soft tone in his father’s voice usually meant pain for someone, but Raven knew he was safe from his father’s wrath. “I’m dying to hear how this happened, that’s all.” With someone as danger-prone as Michaela you never knew what sort of trouble she’d find herself in. And watching his father, the all-powerful Hob, scramble after her?


  Robin grunted. “You, my son, are having way too much fun with this.”

  “Of course I am.” Raven laughed as he opened the door to the police station. “You were the one who asked me to be your best man. It’s not my fault you chose to get married in Bumfuck, Nebraska.”

  Robin shot him an annoyed look. “If I recall, you had your own business to attend to in Bumfuck, did you not? The rumors that the Black Queen wants you dead are growing in strength.”

  Now it was Raven’s turn to growl. “Good point.”

  “I swear she shall not have you.” Robin’s voice was barely audible, but the rumbling of his power was frightening and unmistakable.

  Raven nodded, but he wouldn’t bet on it. Robin was strong, but the Dark Queen was terrifying. If he did lose his life in this battle, it wouldn’t be because Robin didn’t fight for him.

  No. It would be because Raven didn’t see the betrayal coming, didn’t sense the assassin sent for him, or didn’t see the danger someone represented until the knife was plunged into his heart. The Dark Queen would take no chances on Raven. She would do everything in her power to kill him swiftly and silently, and woe to anyone who got in her way.

  What he prayed she didn’t know was exactly how tight he and Robin had become. Hell, Robin’s pet gremlin, Liam—aka Big Red—was doing his best to hide every electronic trace of Raven’s movements, making him harder to track. As strong as Li’s magic was over computers and electronics, Raven was certain Li had made him nigh-invisible.

  Liam was doing him a solid, all unasked. Raven would have to make sure he paid the gremlin back. Raven, like his father, always paid his debts. It was one of the many things the two found they had in common.

  “Can I help you, gentlemen?” A no-nonsense female officer stood behind the glass enclosure, staring at the two of them with a slight frown.

  Raven barely held back his grin when his father growled. “We’re here to see to the release of Michaela Goodfellow, Amanda Pierson, Ruby Dunne, Moira Blackthorn and Samuel Snodgrass.”

  The thought of the blonde sitting in some filthy jail cell, bruised and terrified, nearly made Raven snarl as well. The reaction, startling though it was, had him watching Robin closely.

  Raven was reacting to Amanda the way Robin had reacted around Michaela, and still did for that matter.

  Could that mean what he hoped, prayed, it meant? Had Raven found his truebond? And if so, to what lengths would he have to go to in order to keep her safe?

  Without a word the cop turned to her computer, the sound of tapping keys loud and clear. While she was distracted, Raven pulled out a small black feather and blew it out of his hands so quickly not even the mortal’s cameras would be able to detect it.

  They’d decided to concentrate on the women first. Ruby and Amanda were human, but because of Ruby’s ties to Oberon and Robin, she was considered the most vulnerable. While Snod was a traitor to the Dark Queen, any chance to nab Michaela would not go unnoticed. She’d send her men to the women’s cell first, then deal with Snod.

  “They’re not in the system.” The cop stared at them both without expression. “You sure we have them here?”

  Robin smiled seductively at the woman. “Alas, I fear so. Are you quite certain they aren’t in your system?”

  She seemed unmoved by Robin’s beauty and charm. “Yup.”

  Raven shrugged, secretly terrified. There were gremlins in the Black Court who could erase any trace of the women from the humans’ systems. “They could have gotten the station wrong when they made their phone call.”

  Robin sighed. “Knowing my Michaela, that is entirely possible.” He tapped his black nail on his chin. “Could you perhaps see if they are being held somewhere else?”

  “We’d really appreciate it,” Raven added.

  The cop grunted and began tapping on her keyboard.

  Robin gestured for Raven to step away from the window for a moment. “They’re here. I sense her.”

  “I know.” The black feather landed in Raven’s hand, soothing at least one of his fears. “We can get to them now.”

  Robin nodded, glancing at the female cop before going invisible.

  “Follow the feather,” Raven whispered before he, too, disappeared in a swirl of blackness.

  Raven broke apart, each tiny bird drawn to the feather as it floated through the police station. Locks and bars meant nothing to him as he maneuvered through the jail, the whisper of the feather pulling him ever onward.

  When the feather landed in front of one particular beige door, Raven pulled himself together.

  His father quickly appeared at his side, and with a simple hand gesture disabled the cameras focused on their hallway. “We don’t have much time.”

  “I have all I need right here.” Raven picked up the feather and pressed it against the lock, working it until he heard a satisfying click. He opened the door with a flourish. “Your maiden awaits, good sir.”

  Robin’s eyes sparkled as Michaela came barreling out of the room, throwing herself into Robin’s arms. “You came!”

  “Of course I did,” Robin crooned. “Don’t I always when you are involved?”

  Michaela giggled. “Evil man.” She wriggled until she was tucked comfortably under Robin’s arm. “Come on out, guys. We’re busting out of this joint.”

  Ruby stepped out, muttering something about being so dead, followed by Moira. The redhead glanced around and seemed disappointed to find only Robin and Raven there.

  “Can I come too?”

  Raven stared into the room, mesmerized by the wicked gleam in Amanda’s sapphire-blue eyes. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a loose side braid, little wisps dancing free here and there to give her a softer look. She wore a sleeveless turtleneck dress in midnight blue that hit her mid-thigh and a pair of knee-high black boots. “Amanda. I hear you’ve been naughty.”

  Her brows rose. “Do I know you?” Her gaze took him in from top to bottom.
“Because I think I’d remember you.”

  Well. That hurt. “We met briefly at the Dunne farm right before you left for your party.” And he’d wanted to fling her over his shoulder and carry her off into the night, hide her away were no other eyes would see her. But instead he’d followed his father to Shane’s workshop, where Robin’s small group of friends were having their own gathering.

  Shane’s workshop smelled like cigars and fine whiskey, and Raven’s pockets were several hundred dollars lighter, but he’d never had so much fun playing poker in his life. It hadn’t been interrupted until Robin announced that the women were in trouble.

  Leo had remained behind reluctantly, informing Aileen and Sean what was going on. Duncan and Jaden were forced to head to the police station in their car.

  Raven and Robin were not bound by the same rules. They’d immediately flown to the jail, arriving within seconds of each other.

  Amanda sniffed dismissively. “Oh, right. Goth boy.”

  Raven’s eyes narrowed. Goth boy? That’s all she thought of him? He gave her his best, most wicked grin, and cupped her chin in his hand. “I’m not the one sitting in a jail cell, mademoiselle. Vous es un petite rebelle, non?”

  Amanda shivered under his touch. Someone liked it when he spoke in French. He’d remember that.

  “Flirt later, ditch cops now.” Ruby grabbed her friend by the arm and began frog-marching her toward the door.

  Amanda’s gaze was glued to Raven. “But he speaks French.”

  Ruby just marched faster. “Bye, icky jail cell.”

  “You are no fun anymore,” Amanda pouted.

  “How do we do this?” Raven whispered toward Robin. Amanda wasn’t aware that there were fae among them, and unlike a Sidhe, Raven couldn’t cloud her mind.

  “Leave that to me,” Michaela purred. She held out her hand. “Amanda?”

  “Hmm?” Amanda turned back toward Michaela.

  “Hold my hand?”

  Amanda sighed and reached for Michaela. “I swear, you were so strong in…the…cell…” Amanda slumped to the floor.

  The rage that filled Raven was unexpected. If anyone other than Michaela had done that, he’d…


  What in the fuck was wrong with him? This was Michaela. She’d rather pull her own arm off than hurt someone, so why were his claws out?

  “What?” Ruby rushed to Amanda’s side before Raven could move. “How did you do that?”

  Michaela shrugged. “I’m a nurse. I know how to put someone to sleep and not hurt them.” Michaela shot Raven a knowing look. He must have done more than freeze for her to look at him that way. “But we don’t have much time left. I have the feeling something bigger than a ticket is coming.”

  Robin glared at the cameras before shooting Raven a look he had no trouble interpreting: Hands off Michaela. “I’m certain they will have police in here any second now.” A lie, of course, to keep the women calm. Both Robin and Raven could sense what lay beyond the walls of the police station, and damn if Raven would allow anything to harm Amanda. “Wait here, and I shall return with Snod.” He was gone in a flash, and back almost as quickly.

  Snod looked roughed up, but smiled when he saw Michaela. “Hello, lady.”

  “Hello, Snod.” Michaela hugged the huge, ugly man. “I’m so happy you’re okay.”

  “We need to go.” Raven closed his eyes, searching for a source of free-flowing air. If he could pinpoint another door that led outside, he could— “There.” He picked up Amanda and slung her over his shoulder. Her sweet scent surrounded him, almost causing him to stumble. He’d never scented anything quite so wonderful before. He wanted to just stand there, hold her and breathe. “Let’s go.”

  He couldn’t allow the women to get hurt. Moira wasn’t on her land, so her leprechaun powers were limited. Ruby was human, as was Amanda. And while Michaela was scary strong, she was new to her Tuatha Dé powers and could just as easily hurt herself as help.

  No. It was up to Raven and Robin to get them out safely.

  Moira tugged on his sleeve before they’d gotten two steps. “Duncan says he’ll pave the way for us to leave out the front door, but he’ll need Robin to take out the cameras again.”

  Robin bowed. “Consider it done.”

  “I forgot you could speak to your mates.” Raven shifted Amanda’s weight and followed Moira. “They couldn’t have been far behind us.”

  Moira grimaced. “And they’re right angry with me too.”

  Seemed like it wasn’t just Michaela who would be sporting a red butt before the night was through.

  Robin was first through the door, waving his hand like a king greeting his subjects. The frying circuitry fizzled and popped, the camera links dying as the Hob strode nonchalantly toward the front door of the station. “Good evening, Duncan.”

  “Good evening, Robin.” Duncan, his tone strained and his gaze unfocused, shivered as Moira put her arm around his waist. “You are in so much trouble, amoureaux.”

  “I know. Now let’s get out of here, hmm?” She slowly backed up, Duncan keeping the few cops in the room under his spell until they were all out the door.

  “I love the Sidhe,” Raven sighed.

  “Let’s go, birdbrain.” Jaden Blackthorn had the door of a huge SUV open, waiting for passengers.

  “We’ll meet you there.” Robin and Michaela disappeared with a wink and a smile.

  “Show-offs,” Jaden grunted. He quickly helped Moira get Duncan into the car. “Why is he so tired?” The concern in Jaden’s voice, the way his hand lingered in Duncan’s, showed how much the smart-mouthed vampire loved his bondmate.

  “I don’t know,” Moira, his other mate, replied. “Holding three humans shouldn’t have done this to him.”

  Raven sniffed. Ah, there they were. He’d sensed them but hadn’t smelled them until now. “Take Amanda.”

  “Why?” But Jaden didn’t argue. He sniffed as well, his eyes going wide as he picked up on what Raven already knew: there were redcaps nearby. He took the blonde woman in his arms and carried her gently to the car, placing her in the backseat with Duncan and Moira.

  Raven kept his gaze glued to the dark spot across the street. If they thought they could hide from the Raven Lord, they were sadly mistaken. “I spy with my little eye something that begins with R.”

  Jaden pushed Ruby into the passenger seat. “I’ve got them. Take care of yourself, birdbrain.”

  “Oh, I will. And them too.” Raven cracked his knuckles. “Feathers are about to fly.”

  Chapter Three

  Amanda yawned and stretched. Man, she’d needed that little nap. She’d been far more stressed than she’d realized. She sighed happily, lulled by the gentle sway of the vehicle…


  When did she get into a vehicle? Were they hauling her ass off to real jail? Because she so wasn’t ready to be Big Bertha’s bottom bitch.

  Amanda sat up, terrified she’d find herself staring at chicken wire and cuffs. Instead, she saw Jaden Blackthorn driving sedately down a country road as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Seated next to him was Ruby, who was staring glumly out the passenger window. Duncan and Moira were next to Amanda, cuddling together. Duncan seemed pale and weary, but he held on to Moira like she was his favorite blankie in the world.

  “What happened?” She wanted to rub her eyes but didn’t want to ruin her mascara. The raccoon look was so not her. “How did we get out of jail?”

  Jaden and Duncan exchanged a quick glance in the rearview mirror. “The charges were dropped,” Duncan eventually said.

  Uh-huh. If that was the way they wanted to play it, that was fine with her. Duncan had probably thrown some money at some people. The dude was uber-rich, after all, and wouldn’t want his spouse to languish in prison for the rest of her life.

  Or at lea
st the rest of the night.

  Amanda yawned. “Who were the guys who opened the door? They sure as hell weren’t cops.”

  “That was Robin and Raven.” Jaden’s tone was cautious, but she couldn’t catch a glimpse of his face. He was keeping his eyes on the road, so the only thing she could see in the rearview mirror was his forehead.

  “You know. Mr. Ooh-La-La.” Ruby shot her a knowing look. Like Amanda could ever hide from Ruby when she was interested in someone. And Amanda was, surprisingly, interested. A goth who spoke French and had the whole bad-boy vibe going was definitely outside her normal dating pool, but maybe it was time Amanda dipped her toes into the tide. The tame sameness of her exes proved even the deep end was too shallow for her. Maybe it was time to ride a wave or two.

  “What about Snod?”

  “Robin took care of him.” Moira patted Amanda’s hand. “Don’t worry, everything is fine.” She turned back to her husband with a huge yawn. “When do Oberon and Cassie arrive?” Moira’s voice was as sleepy as Amanda felt.

  “Same time as Liam, my sweet. In a few days.” Duncan kissed the top of Moira’s head.

  Oberon and Robin “Puck” Goodfellow. Amanda was having the time of her life with this crazy family. No wonder Ruby adored them. Amanda doubted she was ever bored living with them. “Are they cousins?”

  “More like brothers from a different mother.” Jaden pulled into the driveway of the Dunne farmhouse, where Ruby and Amanda were staying. Jaden, Moira and Duncan had their own home a few miles away, closer to Omaha, as did Leo and Ruby. “But they’ve been close for years.”

  “Probably bonded over their names.” Amanda grinned. “I mean, who names their kid Oberon, right?” She leaned forward, putting her hand on the console between the two front seats. “Come on. Admit it. He got his ass kicked in school, right?”


  “Does he get called Obi-Wan a lot?”


  “Jeez, this is a tough audience.” She sat back, startled to see Duncan staring at her with wide eyes in a pale face. “What?”


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