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- Dana Marie Bell
Never More Page 21
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Page 21
Amanda reached behind her to take off her bra. “I don’t know. Where do you think I should go?” She dangled the bra between her fingertips before dropping it on the floor. She was left in nothing but lacy panties and a teasing smile.
“I tell you what. Get on the bed and I’ll show you my etchings.”
“Lame,” Amanda coughed into her fist.
He quirked an eyebrow. “I have a kielbasa I can feed you.”
“Oh, the pain.” She hunched over her stomach. “I don’t think I can stand the total lameness.”
Her shoulders were shaking with laughter, so he continued the game. “Hey, now. No laughing at Captain Winky.” Raven sniffed. “His feelings will be hurt, and then he’ll cry all over you.”
That did it. Amanda hit the bed, laughing so hard she couldn’t breathe.
“I swear, the captain gets no respect.” Raven shook his head sadly as he eased her panties off. “Until he boards your boat and pillages your goodies, that is.”
She rolled over, trying to get away from him, but he tugged her back to the end of the bed. “I don’t know if I want to ask someone named Captain Winky to pillage my goodies.”
“But, see, he’s a pirate, and if you don’t give him what he wants, he’ll torture you.” Raven leaned over her and held her hands above her head, careful of his strength. This was a game, nothing more, and he wanted her to be able to break free if needed.
She eyed him suspiciously, but she couldn’t hide her desire. Her nipples were perked up, and her legs were oh so softly rubbing together. “What kind of torture?”
Ah, curiosity. His mate was full of it, and he loved that about her. “Want to find out?” He leaned down and kissed the base of her throat.
She took a deep breath, meeting his eyes without flinching. “Go for it.”
Raven watched the wicked smile that crossed her lips before practically running for his closet. “Hands on the headboard, sweetheart.”
“What kind of pillager makes the prey put themselves in shackles, hmm?”
He turned, enjoying the sparkling challenge she was throwing his way. “Good point.” He leaned into the closet and pulled out three scarves, ones he’d hoped to be able to use on Amanda. He stalked back to the bed, watching her as she scooted up until her back was against the headboard.
Her brows rose. “What do you plan on doing with those?”
“The captain needs to tie up his prisoner, of course.” He lifted her hand into position, pleased when he let go and she remained still. “We wouldn’t want you trying to get away.”
He tested the bond, watching her reactions as he did so. When she nodded her approval he moved to her other arm, tying it as well.
He held up the third scarf. “Blindfolds don’t bother you, do they?”
Amanda pursed her lips, and he immediately granted her unspoken request, kissing her softly. “Nope. They don’t scare me.” She winked. “Maybe someday I’ll tell you what does.”
“You will, but not tonight.” No, tonight wasn’t about fear at all. It was about enjoying each other, playing with each other in a way he’d never dared to do with another lover. Always they’d been watching, plotting something, eager to tell the queen that her favorite bad boy was anything but.
With Amanda he could let out that child he’d never really been able to be, and feel totally safe doing so. She played right along with him, enticing him to join in her laughter.
Best of all, she wasn’t afraid of him.
“Well? Are you going to blindfold me, or should I just close my eyes really tight and pretend?” She did just that, scrunching her eyes shut, then opening one to peek at him. “Hmm?”
He chuckled and wrapped the scarf around her eyes.
“I swear, you are the worst pirate ever.” She was smiling as she complained. “Blackbeard would totally make you walk the plank.”
Raven stroked her breasts, her indrawn breath and the way she trembled his reward. “I don’t know. I’ve got my prisoner right where I want her, bound and at my pleasure.”
She tilted her head. “True, but I’m waiting for the torture part to start.” Amazingly, she started tapping her toe, almost causing him to lose it. “Make with the torment already.”
“As you wish.” Raven allowed his Seeming to drop. Plucking one of his feathers free, he dragged it across her chest, careful of the sharp quills. They could easily cut skin if not handled properly.
Luckily, Raven was an expert.
Amanda was quiet as he caressed her skin, using hands and feathers and tongue without thought, simply watching her reactions to each touch. One moment the feather was tracing over her stomach, dipping into her belly button. The next, he’d replace it with his tongue, while the feather was held still in his hand.
Listening to her soft moans was all the reward he needed. Slowly, he made sure to touch every inch of exposed skin, even the tip of her nose and her pert little toes, refusing to leave any of it without his touch.
By the time he was done she was trembling, her breath coming in short pants. Her breasts where thrust up, begging for his attention, which he gladly gave. The feather was dropped, no longer needed as he began to make love to her in earnest, taking it to the next level.
“Raven,” she groaned, her lips parted. “Please.”
He rubbed his cheek against hers. “Please what, my prisoner?”
“Stop torturing me and fuck me already.” She tugged on her bonds, but not hard enough to pull them free.
He bit back his smile. “But I thought you wanted to be tortured.”
My, what a cute little growl his truebond had.
He kissed her jaw, all the while playing lazily with the curls at the apex of her thighs. “So what you’re saying is, I can plunder your cargo hold for the stash of gold?”
She twisted her head back and forth until one eye was free of the blindfold. She then glared at him so fiercely he almost backed up. “I will end you if you don’t fuck me right this second.”
Raven bowed his head. “As you wish.” He maneuvered himself between her legs, smiling when she slid down just far enough that he could lift her rear and slip a pillow beneath her, lifting her up just enough that he could easily slide inside of her. He took her in one long thrust, moaning at the feel of her tight, wet heat around him.
She was made for him, his truebond, his everything. He would die if anything happened to her.
Already he loved her, needed her as he did no other. How could he not? She was fierce yet soft, yielding only when she wished, afraid of nothing and no one. She protected those she felt needed it, and healed his wounded heart with a simple, trusting touch.
He pulled the blindfold off, wanting to see her eyes as he made love to her, wanting to know if anything he did caused her pain. But her eyes were closed, scrunched up as he fucked her. Little mewling sounds came from her throat, quiet noises of ecstasy as he rode her. Raven kissed her, his hands above hers on the headboard, their bodies adjusting to the new position. She wrapped her legs around his waist, holding on for dear life as he pounded into her, fucking her with all the lust and all the love he had, but didn’t dare speak.
She’d wrapped her hands around the brass headboard, clinging to it even as the restraints fell, unable to withstand the fierce movements of their lovemaking. She met him thrust for thrust, her gaze on his as they took pleasure from one another. He held that unyielding gaze of hers, aware his own eyes were the black of his namesake. Was there anything better than seeing her surrender to her body, watching those blue eyes darken, glaze over as the orgasm shook her down to her core?
If there was, Raven had yet to find it.
That first tremor racked her body, her pussy clamping down on him, squeezing him as she rode her pleasure. Her eyes stayed open, her gaze still on him as she rode him, taking from him what she wanted, leaving him the one ravag
ed. The pirate had been pillaged, and he found he couldn’t complain.
Raven waited until her aftershocks were almost gone before thrusting for his own orgasm, eager to feel that overwhelming bliss that only his truebond could bring him.
When she wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him in tight to her, her breasts bouncing against his chest, her whispered words a litany of how badly she needed him to come, how she wanted to feel him dripping from her, he lost it. He cried out, blinded by his orgasm, shuddering in her arms as he came and came and came.
When it was over, and he found he could breathe again, he chuckled darkly. “I think you won that round, madam prisoner.” He lifted just far enough off of her to see the smug expression on her face. “Next time, though, I’ll win.”
“Sure you will,” she drawled, dragging her fingernails down the back of his neck. He trembled under her touch, unable to hide his reaction so soon after she’d had her wicked way with him. “You’ll just have to try harder to make me cry uncle.”
Raven grinned. “Challenge accepted.”
When she matched him look for look, he fell that last, tiny bit. He was hers, body, heart and soul, and woe to he who ever tried to take her from him.
“Okay.” Amanda caressed the black feather dangling in her ear as she began directing the vendors on where to put the tables. Tomorrow was Robin and Michaela’s wedding day, and everything needed to be perfect. “I need the oak strung in fairy lights, the aisle done the same.”
“What about these torches?” Raven’s voice was as clear as if he stood beside her in the villa. Instead, he was out by the old oak, stringing lights and setting up chairs. Due to the chill of the air, they were also planning on setting up space heaters so that the guests would remain comfortable while outdoors.
“Every third aisle.” She could picture it in her mind. The man was like a dark version of a Disney princess. His little helpers, his ravens, were stringing lights and carrying torches, picking up debris that could turn ankles in high heels. “Don’t forget to whistle while you work.”
“Ha. Ha. Funny woman.” Raven’s snarky voice changed over to a croon. “We’re going to ignore her, aren’t we, my pets? Oh yes, we are.”
Amanda rolled her eyes, amused. “You promised them a treat when they were done, right?” Silence was her answer. “Right?”
He cleared his throat. “Of course I’m going to do something nice for them.”
Uh-oh. She was willing to bet he was standing there, his birds giving him that evil raven stare and not even twitching a tail feather as they waited for his promise. “Maybe you should get them some nice chicken.”
“I’ll contact the colonel and have him send over a bucket or two.” Raven squawked, and Amanda could clearly hear the sound of wings flapping in agitation. “Fine! Okay. I’ll get the good stuff. Cordon bleu, extra cheese. Can we get back to work now?”
She giggled as she began methodically smoothing down a tablecloth. She could hear him still trying to soothe his pets’ ruffled feathers when Michaela walked in.
“How’s it going?” Michaela gazed around, sighing dreamily. “It looks great.”
“We’re maybe halfway done.” And it was taking longer than Amanda would have liked, but considering she didn’t have the workers she was used to it was the best she could do. Matthew, Martin and Melissa had all volunteered, and they were working their asses off stringing up fabric and making sure the centerpieces were perfect. Aileen and Sean were working with the caterer, who had one or two hobgoblins also assisting thanks to Robin. Shane was working on some secret project for Robin and Michaela’s wedding present, and Akane was far too pregnant to do much more than fiddle with one of Shane’s golden puzzle boxes and curse up a storm. Duncan, Moira and Jaden were using their unique bond to check the grounds for any signs of Sayyid. They’d been watching both day and night for the last three days.
So far, they’d found nothing.
And that worried Amanda far more than she wanted to admit. Tomorrow would be the perfect time to strike at Robin, Michaela and Raven. According to Raven, Sayyid had managed to hide his traps in people’s homes, the illusion that there was nothing there lasting for a day or two after the trap had been sprung.
But Michaela had insisted on going forward with the wedding, and Amanda could do nothing but obey the wishes of her client.
“Good afternoon, Snod.” Amanda smiled at the big bodyguard.
He smiled back, so ugly he was almost cute. “Hello, Miss Amanda.”
“Everything look all right to you?” Amanda stared at Snod, hoping he got what she was asking. She didn’t want to alarm Michaela, but if Snod sensed something was off Amanda was going to call a halt until they figured out what it was.
Snod sniffed, and the grin turned to a scowl. “Something smells bad.”
Michaela exchanged a worried look with Amanda before putting a hand on Snod’s arm. “Bad how?”
“I’m on my way.” Raven’s voice was firm. She’d forgotten he could hear her, which meant that of course he’d heard Snod.
“Raven’s coming.” She wasn’t about to argue with him. She was certain that, between herself and Snod, they could keep Michaela safe until Raven got to them.
“Can you tell me where the bad smell is coming from?” Michaela was watching Snod closely as well.
He nodded and loped off, heading for…the bathroom?
“Did Matt eat burritos for lunch?” Michaela giggled, but there was something lacking in the sound, something that said she didn’t quite believe what she was hoping for.
“We had sandwiches.” She stopped next to Snod, who stood sniffing at the doorframe and wrinkling his nose. “What do you smell?”
He shook his head. “Bad. Very bad.” He stepped back, taking Michaela with him. “We need the Hob.”
Amanda reached for the doorknob. “Is it okay to open this?”
Snod nodded sadly. “Already dead.”
Crap. Amanda opened the door and reeled back at the stench. “Holy fuck.” She covered her mouth, praying she didn’t hurl.
Inside the room was what appeared to be a half-rotted corpse, black and bloated and oozing fluids. Its head had been severed from its body and was lying next to the toilet. The corpse looked like it had been kneeling, perhaps puking, when the blow was struck. In his hand was a single black feather, covered in blood and gore.
The corpse was wearing the same clothing Joe Cook had been when he’d greeted them that morning.
“Damn it.” Raven’s hands covered Amanda’s eyes. “Fucking hell.”
“It wasn’t you, and we can prove it.” Amanda turned, hugging him tight, burrowing against his chest. “We were in constant contact. I know where you were every moment of today.”
“Not good enough, little bird.” He began walking her backward, taking her away from the scene of the murder. “I could have lied to you.”
“Why Mr. Cook? He had nothing against you.” Amanda shivered, swallowing down the nausea that threatened to overcome her.
“Wrong place, wrong time.” Raven set her down on a bench by the open villa doors. “Breathe, little bird. Get rid of the smell.”
Yeah, right. She felt like it was soaked into her very skin. “I’ll try.” She took a deep breath, trying to smell the breeze, the orchard, anything but the vile thing that had once been a man.
A raven flew through the doors and landed at her feet. In its beak was a white chrysanthemum. It dropped the flower at her feet and tilted its head.
“Thank you.” She picked up the flower and sniffed, the floral scent overpowering some of the stench of the open bathroom. “That was very sweet of you.”
The raven cawed and flew away.
“Did you do that?” She smiled at Raven and kissed his cheek.
“Nope.” He cupped her chin in his hand. “They like you, and they know yo
u’re part of our flock.”
“Really?” That surprised her, but she supposed it had something to do with the whole truebond thing. She hadn’t really interacted with his pets, so the thought that they not only knew who she was but liked her already was kind of sweet.
The raven returned, this time carrying a white rose. It dropped the flower at her feet and tilted its head.
“Thank you.” She smiled at the raven and held out her hand. “May I?”
The raven leaned forward, and for the first time Amanda touched one of the intelligent birds. Its feathers were smooth under her fingers. “You’ll protect Raven for me, right?”
It cawed and leaned against her hand before taking off once more.
“It’s my job to protect you.” Raven handed her the rose. “And I failed in that again today.”
“No, you didn’t.” She inhaled the scent of the rose. “There was no way for you to know that Mr. Cook would trigger one of the traps.”
He scowled. “And I still don’t know why. The traps have all been carefully targeted against specific people.”
“Could he be going for a bloodbath rather than a single target?” That thought, that she was walking on potential landmines, scared her to death.
He nodded. “It’s entirely possible. We won’t know for sure until we inspect the scene though, so try not to worry about it.” He patted her knee and stood. “No more work until we know for certain this area is safe.”
“How can you?” She was trembling. Shock must be setting in. She felt cold and dizzy, and couldn’t stop her mind from racing. “What if you set off a trap while looking for the traps?”
The very thought of Raven, his head beside his body, that playful smirk of his gone forever, chilled her more than the dead body in the bathroom did.
“No.” She stood, her fists clenched, the determination to never, ever see him like that sending that dizzying chill straight to hell. “You won’t be checking the room out.”
“No.” Her teeth were still chattering, and nothing she did seemed to make it stop. “I won’t lose you.”