Never More Page 20
That left three bedrooms and a partial attic to explore. And one of those bedrooms was the one Raven had seen the illusionary Sayyid in. “I’m checking that room first.” He pointed to the end of the hall. “That’s where the Sayyid illusion was.”
“Think that was the trigger point?” Li stared at it, his eyes glazing over as they did when he sought out electrical lines. “I’m not getting anything. The power here was cut off long ago.”
“I do, but we’ll check the other rooms just to be sure.”
“Want me to go with you?” Li was staring at the attic, his expression confused. “Raven?”
“Yeah?” He was edging toward Sayyid’s room, ready to get on with this.
“I think you need to come with me.” Li grabbed his arm and jumped, the two of them landing in the attic with ease. “Come on.”
Raven allowed Li to tug on him. Now he knew how Amanda felt. “What’s up here?”
Li stood in the middle of what was left of the attic floor, scowling down at a battered, moth-eaten rug. “Take a look.”
Raven pushed at the rug with his toe until he’d uncovered the edge of a ragged chalk line. “Shit.”
“That’s not all.” Li pointed to the pattern on the rug. “This rug is definitely of brownie make, but look at the pattern.”
Raven looked at the pattern for the first time, studying it carefully. Once all of the colors and swirls came together, it was obvious what he was really looking at. “Is that a Sidhe coat of arms?”
“The McQueen coat of arms, to be exact.” Li ran his fingers over the lines. Some of them glowed at his touch, but very few of those glowing lines touched one another. “I think this was the trigger point.”
Raven peeked over the edge of the floor. “Then she was more than likely in…” Ah, there it was, and it was not the Sayyid bedroom, as he’d expected. “That bedroom.”
They slipped down to the second floor and cautiously opened the door to the bedroom indicated.
Inside was chaos, more than the damaged floor below. Blood was splattered everywhere, nothing like the pristine crime scenes they’d seen at the last two murders. “What the hell?”
Li looked just as astonished as Raven felt. “I have no fucking clue. None of this was in the initial reports.”
“Don’t go in the room.” Raven eyed it suspiciously. There was something off about the whole thing. He sniffed the air, the scent of death overpowering everything else. “Are you sure this was the murder room?”
“It’s directly below the symbol.”
Hmm. Raven ran his finger absentmindedly down the doorjamb. “All of the other scenes of death were almost completely clean. A bloodstained rug, no real spatter. Contained, rather than this.”
“He didn’t have time to set it up properly.” Li glanced upward. “Or something smudged his sigil, and it didn’t work the way it was supposed to.”
“You think she might have fought back?” Li cautiously stepped into the room despite Raven’s immediate protest.
When nothing happened Raven heaved a sigh of relief. “Asshole. You scared ten feathers off me.”
Li ignored him and continued on his cautious journey into the room. “Dried blood everywhere. Spray pattern indicates she was standing…” Li placed his feet halfway to the door. “Here.”
Raven entered the room. He glanced toward each wall and upward, finding what he was seeking on the ceiling. “Look.” A single gray bit of chalk, a couple cobwebs and six stars, drawn graffiti-style, were over the spot where Lady Sybil met her end. “That chalk, just like the other murders.”
“But not quite centered over where I’m standing.” Li adjusted, standing directly under the gray chalk. “There.”
Raven grimaced. “But how did that change this scene?”
“The angle of attack, maybe? Or his cleaning service didn’t get here before the building collapsed?”
“I don’t think Merry Maids deals with murder.” Raven paced the room, looking for any hints as to the murder weapon. “More importantly, where’s the weapon?”
Li began searching. “There’s no fireplace.”
“The single lamp is broken, but the shade was made of fabric, not glass or metal.” Raven glanced toward the bed. “I doubt the bed was used, even if it is iron.”
“No, the last two places had…” Li glanced up. “The light fixture.”
“Huh?” Raven glanced up, only then aware that there was indeed a missing light fixture. “But there’s no broken glass under our feet and no metal.”
“If the White Court took it, they have the murder weapon in their hands.” Li rubbed his chin. “Nothing in their reports indicates that they have it though.”
“It’s possible they might be burying evidence that doesn’t point to me.” Raven wouldn’t put it past the White Queen. She had the Raven Lord in her sights and wasn’t going to let him off her hook that easily.
Li nodded. “Then we need to discover what’s in their possession.”
“And how do you suggest we do that?”
Li began to hum the Mission Impossible theme under his breath.
“What are you two up to?” Robin poked his head into the room, staring at Li with a puzzled frown.
Raven shared an amused glance with Li, and soon both of them were humming the tune.
Robin’s eyebrows went up. “You two are not running off to have fun without me.”
“Of course not,” Raven crooned.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Li yawned.
Robin shook his head. “Silly boys,” he sighed sadly. “As if I couldn’t find you wherever you go, and punish you for your disobedience.”
“Disobedience?” Raven pointed a finger at himself, hoping he got his outraged innocence expression just right. “Us?”
“You wound us. Truly.” Li held his hands to his chest, looking sad.
Robin just waved his hand, and suddenly they were on the Dunne farm once more. “Don’t test me, children. You won’t like it if you do.”
They were still protesting their innocence as they made their way up the front steps. From the way Robin’s lips kept twitching in amusement, they weren’t fooling him one little bit.
“Okay.” Amanda set down the binder. “We have one more DJ to interview, then we’re done.”
“And we have the photographer, right?” Michaela’s eyes were round with worry. “We got confirmation from him this morning?”
Amanda nodded absently. “Yup. He confirmed via email, and his credentials check out. Duncan says this guy’s done fae weddings before, so there’s nothing to worry about.” The Sidhe had been a blessing, giving her names to call and allowing her to use not only his name but Jaden’s as well. She’d barely met Jaden; the man had disappeared soon after she arrived, and for some reason Duncan wouldn’t say where he was. He must work for Robin, doing whatever it was the king’s enforcers did. She wasn’t going to question it any further.
It was just a shame they hadn’t spent any time together. Michaela made him sound like a trip and a half of fun.
“I think we’re done.” Amanda stared at the paperwork, amazed she’d managed to pull it off. Admittedly, she’d had a fuck-ton of help, but still. “We’re ready for you to get hitched.”
Michaela squee’d and put her arms around Amanda’s neck, hugging her tightly. “We couldn’t have done it without you.”
“You’re welcome.” Amanda patted her back and tried desperately to take a breath. “Can I breathe now?”
“Oh. Sorry.” Michaela let go, laughing when Amanda took a huge lungful of air. “You’re funny.”
“Thanks. I think.” Amanda tucked a blonde curl behind her ear. Raven, Robin and Li were off doing their thing again, and now that the wedding plans were complete, all Amanda had to do was stay on top of things and make sure no disasters happened.
/> She almost laughed in despair. Sure, things would go smoothly. Everything would come off without a hitch.
And Raven would turn out to be just a normal guy with a weird bird fetish.
“Are you okay? You look weird, like you have to laugh and fart at the same time.”
Amanda shook her head, driving away all thoughts of children with teeny weenie wieners. “I’m fine. Just wondering when Raven will be back.”
Music suddenly poured into the room, and Ruby came in, dancing joyfully. “Please tell me you’re done.”
Amanda and Michaela looked at each other. Michaela looked confused, but Amanda knew what Ruby was up to. She grinned, her toes tapping to the beat. “We’re done.”
“Then come on, guys! Let’s dance!”
Ruby pulled Amanda to her feet, dancing into the living room with her. Michaela quickly joined them, yelling for Melissa and Akane.
When the two women walked in, they stared at the three of them as if they were insane. “Dance, guys!”
Amanda laughed, feeling free. She loved dancing, loved that feeling of letting loose, letting her body just take over and move to the beat. It relaxed her, eased her tensions. It was something she did every once in a while, especially after a hard day’s work. She’d turn up the tunes and dance until she was covered in sweat.
Ruby had often been there when Amanda needed to let loose. She must have seen Amanda’s tension and figured out the best way to let it back out was to do what Amanda would have done at home.
Melissa was be-bopping all over the place, spazzing out but clearly enjoying the hell out of the whole thing. Akane was grinning as she watched them, bouncing from foot to foot and rubbing her belly. Ruby, of course, was moving from person to person, her expression sunny. And Michaela was almost as frantic as Melissa, but less…spaztastic.
Amanda watched them all, making sure everyone stayed within the cleared area, especially Akane and Melissa. While Akane wasn’t moving much, she was pregnant, and Amanda didn’t want anything to happen to her.
Melissa looked like she was going to take a header into the coffee table at any moment. Amanda carefully moved her out of the way. Melissa seemed to barely notice her as she continued to convulse, causing Amanda to remain in front of the coffee table just in case.
When Akane caught her eye and winked, Amanda realized she wasn’t the only one watching carefully over the others. She, too, had corralled a dancing Ruby, forcing her to get closer to Michaela, who was off in her own little world.
When Aileen entered the room and joined them without a word, Amanda laughed. The Sidhe lady had some moves on her, putting the rest of them to shame.
When the song ended, they clapped, Aileen bowing and blushing until the next song started up.
Arms were suddenly wrapped around her waist. “Is this a private party, or can anyone join in?”
Amanda’s smile turned wicked. Raven was back.
She slid out of his arms, dancing around him. “I don’t know. Think you can keep up?”
He began dancing around her, his moves smooth and sure, matching her almost step for step. He faltered only once when the music changed and so did her steps, but he picked it up rapidly. She threw her head back and laughed, picking up the pace when the music did, slowing down to touch his fingers, his hair.
She caught glimpses of the other men joining their mates. Leo and Ruby moved together seamlessly. Michaela and Robin swayed together without regard to the beat. Akane and Shane almost seemed to have a competition going on, if their expressions and goofy dance moves were anything to go by. Aileen and Sean were swing-dancing, showing off some impressive moves on both their parts.
Only Melissa still danced alone, until one of her brothers joined her. Marty got her to Charleston, the two of them almost rivaling Sean and Aileen.
Matt and Li stood and watched the whole time, chatting and laughing together. She hadn’t seen Matt so relaxed the entire time he’d been here.
“Oof.” Amanda glared at Raven as he poked her in the side. “What?”
“You weren’t paying attention.”
“To you, you mean.”
He smirked. “Of course.” He put his hands on her hips, turning her so that her back was to his front and essentially curled himself around her, his chin on her shoulder. “Are you paying attention to me now?”
She chuckled. “I am.” She tilted her head, allowing him better access to her vulnerable neck. “You have something specific in mind?”
His hands tightened on her hips as he began dirty dancing with her. “Maybe.”
She covered his hands with her own, halting his more daring explorations. “Naughty.”
“Of course.” He scraped his chin along her exposed neck, causing her to shiver with excitement. “I’m a bad boy. Want to take me upstairs and punish me?”
“I think punishing you would be not taking you upstairs.”
“Man.” He sniffled. “If I say I had a hard day at work would you take pity on me?”
She glanced at Robin, but he was focused on Michaela. “How hard?”
Raven sighed, the playfulness leaving his voice. “Bad. Someone’s framing me for murder.”
She stiffened. “What?” She turned, no longer dancing, taking his face between her palms. She stared into his eyes. “How?”
He glanced around, tugging her toward the staircase. “We think Sayyid is laying traps for those who opposed my inclusion in the Gray Court. If he can plant enough evidence that I killed them, then the White Court can demand I be turned over for justice.”
“But you didn’t do it.” Of that she was certain. She had no doubt Raven had—and would—kill if necessary, and she was forced to admit that scared her a bit. But something about the way he said it, and his promise to be honest with her, had her believing in his innocence.
“No, I didn’t.” He walked her upstairs, holding her hand the whole time. “They found some of my old feathers at each of the crime scenes though.”
“Old feathers?”
He shrugged, ducking his head in embarrassment. “I molt.”
She stumbled. “Seriously?”
“I hope you’re not allergic to down.”
She eyed him suspiciously. “You’re fucking with me, aren’t you?”
“Would I do that?” The wounded look in his eyes, the dramatic way he put his hand on his heart, confirmed her suspicions.
“Raven.” She jumped ahead of him in the hallway, tugging him into the bedroom. “Tell me what happened.”
“This is so ruining the mood,” he muttered, sitting down in a chair and tugging off his boots.
“You want a piece of this?” She tapped her ass.
Raven nodded eagerly.
“Then spill.”
He sighed, his head falling back, that red streak covering his left eye. “Each crime scene had signs of chalk. Each one used something in the room to create the murder scene, and each one had at least one of my feathers in the room.”
She blinked, confused. “You wouldn’t leave something like that behind.” She put her hands on her hips. “You told me you used to be a badass for the Black Court, and now you’re a badass for the Gray. Only a newbie would leave a freakin’ feather behind.”
“And if it mattered, they would realize that. But the White Queen would seize any excuse to call me in for her brand of justice.” He smirked. “I annoyed the piss out of her on more than one occasion.”
“Can Robin or Oberon persuade her otherwise?” Amanda had just gotten him. She wasn’t about to lose him now.
“They can, but they run the risk of being accused of favoritism. If that happens, their neutrality could be called into question.” Raven’s smirk eased, becoming the smile she was coming to love. “I’d rather prove my innocence if at all possible than have someone step in front of me and shield me, n
o matter how well-intentioned they are.”
“If she’s determined to blame you, it won’t matter how much evidence you uncover.” Amanda bit her lip. “You know who did this. Is there any irrefutable proof that would tie him to it?”
“Not yet. Lots of little things, but nothing grand.” He stood, drawing her into his arms. “But we’ll keep looking. We’ll find it.”
“And when you do, I want you to nail his ass to the wall.” Amanda tapped his chest. “Make him scream for his mama, his teddy bear and his blankie.”
Raven laughed. “That’s what I like about you. You’re so delicate.”
She made a disgusted noise. “I’m just saying. If he’s not singing soprano by the time you’re done, you didn’t do it right.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“I mean it.” She frowned, pushing his roaming hands off her boobs. “Pay attention, Raven.”
“But…shiny.” He sighed happily as he pulled the sweater over her head.
“Are you a raven or a magpie?” She swatted him halfheartedly when he reached for the button of her pants. She wanted this just as much as he did, but watching his eyes catch fire, turning into that gorgeous blend of green and blue, was becoming one of her favorite pastimes.
“I’m a mated man who wants to be a happily mated man.” He tugged, and her pants pooled around her ankles. “I’m getting there too.”
She rolled her eyes and kicked her pants away. “Fine. But if I have to get naked, so do you.”
He whipped off his shirt so quickly it was a blur. “I can live with that.”
Chapter Eighteen
Raven took his clothes off in a frenzy, eager to see the way Amanda’s gaze roamed over him. She licked her lips as his pants came off. She shivered when his briefs hit the floor, grinning when he kicked them off and his cock bobbed.
She wiggled her fingers. “Hello to you too.”
Raven began stalking his mate, smiling slightly when she began backing away. “Where do you think you’re going to?”