Never More Read online

Page 16

  “Go me.” Amanda tried getting to her knees. Her theory was that if she could make it that far, then maybe her feet weren’t out of the question.

  Hey, look at that. Knees worked. She sat back on her heels, blinking madly as she tried to get her eyes to focus.

  “Shh.” That chilly hand was on her forehead again. Michaela was all swirly whites and golds and so pretty. All three of her.

  “I don’t feel so good.” Amanda swayed, landing against Robin’s chest.

  All three Michaelas looked worried. Either that, or they had to fart.

  “Maybe she should lie down again.” Robin began to ease her back onto the floor.

  Damn it. She’d worked so hard to get to her knees, too. Now she was right back where she’d started.

  “So sorry about that.” Robin’s tone was amused, but the hand he placed against her throat was firm. “Stay still, child. Allow my mate to heal you.”

  Amanda closed her eyes and grimaced as the swirly swirly motions continued. “Which one?”

  “Okay, the concussion is worse than I thought,” Michaela muttered. “I might need some backup on this one.”

  “You have it, as always.”

  Behind her eyelids sparkles formed, dancing brightly inside her. Her head began to clear, her wrist stopped aching, and more importantly, she no longer felt the need to hurl. When she opened her eyes those sparkles turned out to be real, flitting around the three of them in a display fireflies would envy. Robin’s gaze as he watched his bondmate work was so filled with love and devotion Amanda had to look away or start crying.

  She wanted someone…

  No. She wanted Raven to look at her that way, as if she hung the moon and the stars and all the good things in the universe.

  The sparkles died down and Michaela sagged against Robin, obviously exhausted. “I’m sorry. You were far more hurt than I’d thought.”

  “It’s okay, Michaela.” Amanda sat up gingerly, glad to find she felt perfectly normal again. What really had her concerned was how pale Michaela still was. “You didn’t hurt yourself doing that, did you?”

  Robin smiled sweetly. “She will be fine, I swear.”

  “Oh. Good.” Amanda stood and held her hands out for the pair. “Would you like to continue the tour and get to the tasting, or would you like to call it a day?”

  Michaela took her hand, but Robin stood on his own. “It’s up to the two of you.” But as he said that, his gaze darted toward the doors.

  “Raven’s all right?” Amanda bit her lip and looked out too. “I can see if I can—”


  Amanda’s eyes crossed. She wiggled her finger in her ear and prayed someday she’d be able to hear out of it again. “Whoa.”

  Robin stood in front of her and took hold of her shoulders. His eyes glowed with green light, the same green light she’d seen occasionally in Raven’s blue eyes. “You will stay in here and stay safe, do you understand?” His expression tightened. “I have no trouble whisking you away to another state if need be.”

  Amanda threw up her hands. “Yes, sir. I’ll sit and be a good girl, sir.”

  He stared at her for a moment. “You’re lying.”

  “Am not.” She gave him her best hurt look, praying he wouldn’t see through the ruse. “I’m thinking about cake.”

  “Cake.” The doubtful look remained on Robin’s face.

  “Cake!” Michaela grabbed hold of Amanda’s arm and began dragging her toward Mr. Cook, who still looked shell-shocked over what was going on in his vineyard. “I’m sorry, Mr. Cook. Can we continue the tour please?” She batted her lashes at the man, causing Robin to growl. “The taste testing is being held here, right?”

  “Yes. O-of course. Right this way.” Mr. Cook was a bit wobbly, but he led them around the rest of the villa, effectively distracting them from Raven’s absence.

  All right. Maybe not that effectively. For all the beauty of the villa, Amanda found herself staring out windows more and more, looking for a glimpse of dark feathers or a hint of red in ebony hair. All she caught was a glimpse of his ravens darting between the orchard and the vineyard, no doubt searching for more of the shadows that had attacked Amanda and Michaela.

  “Here we are.” Mr. Cook opened a door that led into a smaller dining room, one obviously used for family. “And here is the lady I was told will be catering your event, as well as the baker who will be making your cake.”

  Michaela smiled and let go of Amanda. “Hello. I’m Michaela Exton, and this is my fiancé, Robin.”

  Robin bowed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He held out his arm for Michaela and led her toward the table. “What do you have for us to taste today?”

  Amanda joined them at the table, dutifully making notes of what they liked and what they didn’t. The bits she tasted herself were quite good, some of the best she’d ever had, but she barely paid the food the attention it deserved.

  Damn it. Where the hell was he? Raven had dropped her and run off, leaving her behind to worry over his stupid ass. In about two seconds she was going to—

  “Don’t even think it,” Robin purred in her ear.

  She patted his knee and returned her attention to the caterer’s presentation. “Do we have any vegetarian options?”

  Robin nodded slightly. Hopefully her show of obedience had appeased him. “I’d like to try something involving fish.”

  The caterer began handing out dishes. “This one is…”

  Amanda tuned her out again. The ravens in the distance were acting oddly, swooping and diving again over one particular spot. When a shaft of feathers speared into the air, Amanda knew where Raven was.

  She was able to turn her attention back to the banquet spread out before them just in time for the dessert course.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Raven screamed, sending the last of the shadows back to where it came from. He shook himself, settling down now that he’d managed to catch all of them.

  He thanked the ravens who’d assisted him in locating them. While they weren’t his flock, they’d obeyed him without question, and he would reward them as promised. He held out his hand, allowing each bird to pull a feather from him, marking each one as his. When they next nested, the birds would add the feathers to their own. His feather would grow along with the rest of theirs. Any flock that bore his mark would acknowledge them, help them in any way they could.

  When the last raven had taken a feather Raven flew away, heading back to the villa and his bondmate. The entire time he’d been fighting Sayyid’s shadows he’d been terrified Amanda was hurt far worse than he thought. He kept seeing her passing out in his arms over and over again, the image making him more brutally quick in his attacks against the shadows. He wanted the fight over, done with, and Amanda back within his sight.

  He arrived at the front door of the villa, striding through it as though he owned the place. He nodded once to Duncan and Moira, who’d remained in the main hall. Duncan had probably decided to keep an eye on the front door, and where Duncan was you’d soon find Moira. Hell, Raven was surprised Jaden had remained behind, but the vampire was still getting used to the fact that he could move about in the sunlight. It would take more than a few months for the habit of a century to change.

  “They went upstairs for the taste testing,” Moira said, barely taking her eyes off the windows. She was pacing, her Seeming gone, her leprechaun markings clear on her skin.

  “Thanks.” Raven could almost feel Amanda’s anxiety, the need to be near her ramping up to an almost unbearable pain. His boot heels clacked on the tile floor, pounded on the stairs up to the second story, and he was running by the time he heard her voice.

  “…and the tart would be a lovely addition, I think.”

  Raven stopped right outside the door, taking in the scene before him. Robin was seated between Amanda
and Michaela, his head tilted to the side as he watched Michaela lick something from her fork. Amanda was writing something down in a notebook, but as he watched her shoulders eased, her posture going from tense and afraid to the woman he was used to, the one who kicked ass and took no prisoners.

  “Raven’s back,” she said softly.

  Raven smiled, thrilled to his core that she’d sensed him, that his presence had taken away that edge of fright. “Yes, I am. Our unwanted guests are taken care of.”

  “Good.” She looked up at him and smiled. “We were just about to try some of the cakes.”

  He leaned against the doorjamb, his ankles crossed, his hands in his jean pockets. “Oh?”

  “Care to join us, goth boy?”

  He smirked and stood straight. “Always.” He sauntered toward the table, itching to put his hands on Amanda and make certain she was truly well. Mr. Cook quickly got out of the way as Raven moved to take the seat next to Amanda. Raven cupped her cheek and gazed into her eyes. Relief filled him. Both pupils were the same size, and her return gaze was steady. “You feeling better?”

  “Much, thanks.” She turned her cheek and kissed his palm. “You?”

  “I’m fine.” A few aches here and there, some cuts, bruises and a dangerously parched throat, but otherwise he hadn’t taken much damage in his fight with either Sayyid or the shadows. “I’d love something to drink though.”

  The caterer handed him a glass of water. “Will this do?”

  “Yes, thanks.” Raven downed it all in one shot. “So. What did I miss?”

  “You missed the appetizers—”

  “She makes the most amazing bruschetta, and the red pepper and ricotta crostini was one of my favorites,” Michaela moaned.

  “You also missed the entrées.” Amanda was smiling at Michaela, but instead of the professional one she’d been using since they’d arrived it was full of warmth. It was the smile Raven thought should always be on her face.

  “The stuffed shells were to die for.” Michaela bounced in her seat. “And the Italian stuffed flank steak was awesome.”

  “I rather enjoyed the chicken with olives.” Robin nodded his approval when Amanda made a mark in her notebook.

  “The stuffed shells should take care of any vegetarian needs.” Amanda flipped to another page. “We’ve agreed on the tiramisu, the panna cotta with raspberries and chocolate, and that delicious lemon torte.”

  “The torte della nonna.” Amanda folded her hands on her notebook. “Now, if you two are up for it, we can try the wedding cakes.”

  The caterer stood back, allowing the wedding cake baker to step forward. “Hello, Your Highnesses. It’s an honor to work on your wedding cake.”

  Michaela stared at the woman for a moment before nodding. “Thank you.”

  “What do you have for us to try?” Robin was watching his bondmate watch the baker.

  Raven eyed the woman who was placing a slice of cake in front of Michaela. “This is the chocolate raspberry mousse cake, one of our favorite offerings.”

  Michaela picked up her fork and took a bite. “Delicious.”

  Raven decided there was nothing wrong and turned his attention once more to Amanda. She was focusing in on Michaela’s reactions, making quick notes about facial expressions and spoken words as three more pieces of cake were tasted and either praised or denied.

  Who the fuck cared about lemon or pomegranate when Sayyid had gotten so close to taking Michaela and Amanda that they’d had to fight off his shadow? Raven was waiting for this to be over so he could get back to his hunt, find his damned brother and end him. He wanted to see his blood flow, to maim him, to hear his cries of agony as Raven made him pay for the fear he’d seen in Amanda’s eyes.

  Hell, this whole wedding was turning into a nightmare. Soon there would be a mass of court dignitaries mingling with those who were considered lesser fae, as well as the human relations of Michaela. The trouble Sayyid could cause in such a gathering was immense.

  Raven would have to fly over the wedding venue at least once a day to make certain Sayyid wasn’t laying any traps for unsuspecting guests, let alone the bride and groom. It was the least he could do for them.

  “So that’s it then. We’ve got everything we need.” Amanda stood and shook hands with Mr. Cook, the caterer and the baker. “Thank you again for agreeing to do this on such short notice.”

  Polite words were bandied about, words like, “not at all” and “of course, for Lady Goodfellow, anything”. Raven simply stood back, keeping watch until they were ready to leave.

  Robin led Michaela out, listening to her excited chatter with a fond look. Duncan and Moira joined them as they got into the cars.

  The silence was deafening as Amanda drove away. Of course, she was the one who broke it. “What did you think?”

  Robin and Raven exchanged a glance in the rearview mirror. Raven said what he knew his father was already thinking. “The Blades need to get here sooner than we thought.”

  “Indeed. We need to make sure the grounds are secure before the High King arrives.” Robin leaned back and braced his ankle on his knee, tapping his black nails on his boot. “Etienne is not an option, nor is Akane.”

  Robin knew his Blades better than Raven did, but that didn’t mean Raven wasn’t without his own resources. “My ravens can also watch, and warn us if there’s trouble.”

  “Can you assign a raven to each Blade?” Michaela asked as Amanda pulled out of the villa’s driveway and headed toward the road that would take them back to the Dunne farm. “It might be one way they can remain in contact with each other without alerting the enemy.”

  Raven shook his head. “It doesn’t quite work like that. The ravens don’t have telepathy, not the way you’re thinking of it. It’s more survival instincts and a touch of magic.”

  She humphed. “Then what about that friend of yours? Li, right? Can he do something?”

  Raven’s brows rose. “Normally Li works behind the scenes, but maybe he can do something. He’ll have time, and access to the venue.” Raven turned in his seat. “What do you think?”

  Robin nodded. “An excellent suggestion, Amanda. We’ll speak to Red as soon as we get to the farm.”

  “I just think a little electricity up this guy’s ass would lead to a sincere attitude adjustment.” Amanda smirked as she picked up speed, merging onto the highway. “I think applying a souped-up stun gun to his prostate would make him see the error of his ways, don’t you?”

  Raven shook his head. “That’s mean.”


  He patted her knee. “I like it.”

  She smiled. “See? You knew there was a reason you kept me around.”

  “You want me to what his what?” Li started laughing. “Oh, man, what did I miss today?”

  Raven rolled his eyes. “Sayyid attacked us at the…will you knock it off already?” Raven tapped his foot impatiently while Liam lost it. Just the idea of giving Sayyid Bapep an electric enema had him in stitches.

  Why hadn’t he thought of that? It was hilarious.

  Liam wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. “Man, I like your bondmate. Does she have any other good ideas?”

  Raven stared at Amanda, who was currently surrounded by the female Dunnes, born and bonded. “She thinks you can set up something that would give Sayyid indigestion and keep him off the guests.”

  Li studied the women surrounding Amanda. “I could be persuaded.”

  “Oh?” Raven glanced at Li and scowled. “Please tell me you aren’t drooling over one of the truebonds.”

  “Do I look like I want my head shoved forcibly up my ass?” Li grimaced. “Please.”


  Li sighed. “Maybe.”

  “Michaela would…huh.” Raven rubbed his hand over his chin. “Actually, she might like that.

  “You think so?” Li smiled. “I know I’m probably not her type, but if Michaela likes me maybe Melissa will too.”

  “You’re not bad looking, Li. You’re just…”

  “Uber nerd?” Li chuckled, but there was no humor in it. “Yeah, I know.” Thick black glasses, barely tamed hair and cartoon T-shirts did not make date material in his experience. But he liked how he looked. He was comfortable, he enjoyed his job, and he only had to wear a tie on the rare occasion Oberon summoned him.

  Life was good, if lonely sometimes. Having someone like Melissa by his side would certainly liven things up.

  “Do you know anything about her?”

  “Pfft. Her favorite food is pizza, her favorite drink is a chocolate martini, she thinks Ryan Gosling is hot—”

  “You’ve been stalking her social media, haven’t you?” Raven started to laugh.

  Li pushed his glasses up his nose. At least the bridge wasn’t held together with tape or something. And there hadn’t been a pocket protector on his person since 1982. “You know, I could test the electrical current needed to incapacitate someone through their prostate on you.”

  Raven ignored him.


  “Not if I have anything to say about it.” Raven was still laughing, but he’d backed away from Li, putting his butt against the wall.

  Like that would stop someone like Li from shoving a probe up the Raven Lord’s ass. But that was for a later date.

  For now…

  For now, he just wanted to watch Melissa and dream.

  Amanda watched the party in progress, wondering if Michaela’s human family had noticed anything odd yet. Michaela’s eyes kept switching from warm brown to brilliant gold and back again, and every now and then Raven’s hair would move in a breeze that wasn’t there.

  Other than that, the fae seemed to be on their best behavior. Unless you were around them for some time you wouldn’t even see the faint differences, and even then most of them could be explained away. Raven’s hair could have moved because Aileen opened a door nearby, and Michaela’s eyes could…


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