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Page 12

  “You are interfering in a duly appointed Blade’s operation.” One claw drifted down Tristan’s cheek, leaving behind a thin trail of blood. His hand gripped Tristan’s chin tightly. “Now. Don’t lie to me. I will know it if you lie.”

  Jaden began to pant and clutch his stomach. He moaned, the sound agonized.

  “Shit.” Duncan stood and hauled Jaden to his feet. “Moira, I need you.”

  The two concentrated on Jaden and, whatever they did, it soothed the vampire. He slumped between them, the two holding him, protecting him from whatever it was that tormented him.

  “Get him out or the memories will break free.” Robin turned his head. “Patrol if you must, or slip away and help him forget, but for now he must be removed.”

  Duncan nodded distantly, but not for one moment did Shane think he was angry with the Hob. The Sidhe was building a fantasy for his mate, keeping Jaden trapped there to protect him from whatever painful memories were trying to erupt.

  The trio walked slowly out of the room, headed for the stairs. Duncan and Moira had decided to distract their mate, and Shane just hoped they didn’t get too loud. There were just some things a man shouldn’t hear his baby sister doing.

  “So much for Duncan talking to Tristan.” Akane flopped back down next to Shane and stared at the Sidhe currently serving as Robin’s perch. “Are you beginning to understand what’s really going on?”

  “Why are they protecting a vampire?” Tristan shook his head and earned himself another scratch from Robin’s claws. “He’s a vile child of the Dark Queen. I will never understand how they can just accept him that way.”

  Akane gasped when Shane began to laugh. “You will. Oh, you will understand, and when you do you’ll regret those words.”

  Akane opened her inner sight and gasped. Shane’s power rippled around him, his visions in overdrive. “Something tells me Tristan is going to become a Shane Joloun original.”

  “Soon. Not yet. Other things must happen first before his future comes to pass.”

  “Let him see.” Robin crooned the words as he tapped Tristan’s forehead. “Let him see what he risks by his refusal to help us.”

  Shane stood. “I’m not sure. I’ve never dropped my Seeming around anyone but my family before.”

  Robin nodded without ever taking his eyes off of Tristan. “Trust me, Shane.”

  Shane sighed and dropped his Seeming. Ruby gasped as Shane’s true appearance dazzled everyone in the room. He was a golden god, and Akane ached to lick him one inch at a time. His power swirled around him, pieces of art being created in light, and Akane longed to touch, to hold. To hoard. He pushed his longer hair behind his ears, and for the first time she noticed the delicate points. Looking even closer she realized he had the classic oval pupils of the Sidhe.

  “Wow,” Ruby breathed.

  Tristan blinked. “Gods above. He’s a true hybrid.” His breath hitched. “I’d heard tales, but I assumed they were wrong, that Shane was merely a closer blend than most between his parents. But no. He’s truly a hybrid.”

  Robin nodded. “Rarest of the rare, and mated to another true hybrid as well.”

  Tristan’s eyes closed. “Akane.”

  “You didn’t believe the daughter of the Seer was also a hybrid?” Robin’s laugh was low. “More fool you.”

  Tristan’s eyes opened. He stared at Akane, who’d also dropped her Seeming. While she didn’t have Shane’s golden splendor, her own looks were intimidating in their own way. She hissed at Tristan but left her wings furled. The kitchen was too small to stretch them out. That night in the park he hadn’t gotten a good look at her. Now he could see her in all her glory, and he winced at the sight.

  “Double wow.” A feather-light touch along her wings startled her. “That is so cool.” She turned to find Ruby practically bouncing around her like an over-eager Tigger while Leo looked on indulgently. Ruby played with her claws briefly and eyed her horns before she looked over at Shane. “You have got to use her as a model.”

  Shane smiled at his bubbly sister-in-law and wrapped his arms around Akane, careful of her wings. She maneuvered them so that he could rest his head against her shoulder. “I already did.”

  “Good.” Ruby turned to Robin. “You know, I’m tired of this song and dance where the Malmaynes try and take me to force Leo to be a sperm donor. Can we change the music?”

  Robin blinked. “Ah.” His face stilled, but Shane could almost see the plans whirling through the Hob’s head at lightning speed. “What an excellent suggestion.” He tapped his claw on Tristan’s chin much the same way he tapped it on his own. “We know Charles and Cullen were working with the Black. Do we yet have proof that Henri is as well?”

  “Even if we do, if we execute him someone else will just take his place.” Sean was practically growling, his own Seeming failing. Brown swirls appeared on his suddenly darker skin, his eyes turning a stormy blue-green. “Cecelia or Constance will see to it that another male of the blood becomes lord of the clan.”

  “So, ’tis a hydra, not a snake, we play with here.” Robin stood and got a fresh mug of hot chocolate. He handed it to Ruby, who smiled and accepted it with quiet thanks. “The only way to stop a hydra is to lop off its heads and burn the stumps.”

  Leo’s eyes were wide, his expression horrified. “You’re talking about the death of a clan.”

  Tristan twitched. “My clan is not Black.”

  “But they are no longer entirely White, either.” Robin paused and waved his hand. Tristan’s bindings fell, tattered, to the ground. “Henri, Cecelia and Constance are but a part of the whole.”

  “Just because my clan objected to Duncan’s mating a vampire does not mean all of them are turning to the Black.” Tristan stood and faced the Hob squarely, but Shane could see the fear in him.

  “But they follow where their leaders take them, even if it’s into darkness.” The Hob sighed and held up his hand as Tristan began to protest. “No. There is a haven for those who do not wish to fall, but not all will take it and you know it.”

  “The Gray Court.” Tristan said it without emotion, but his shoulders slumped.

  “Aye.” Robin smiled. “’Tis not a bad place to wash ashore when you are set adrift.”

  “And all those who do will be clanless.”

  “Better clanless than a bad guy.” Ruby sipped her hot chocolate. “Think about it. Would you rather work for Robin or against him?” She shrugged. “I know which team I’d bat for.”

  “You wouldn’t be clanless for long,” Duncan added, stepping into the room. He looked weary, but relieved. Whatever he and Moira had done for Jaden must have worked. “If you object to Clan Blackthorn, there are other Gray Clans who would accept you and any who followed you.”

  “You bested a dragon and a seer. If you wish, training as a Blade would be made available to you.”

  Tristan ran his fingers through his hair. “We haven’t fallen to the Black.”

  “Are you sure?” Shane held out his hands, his light dancing around him, forming odd shapes. “Want to see what the future holds?”

  “Yes.” There was no hesitation in Tristan’s voice.

  “Then watch.” Shane exhaled, and his lights danced.

  When he was done Tristan was pale and sweating. Akane didn’t understand half of the images in Shane’s lights but apparently Tristan did. “Dear gods. What have they done?” He collapsed into his chair, his head in his hands. “What have we done?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Leo was watching the whole thing. Gods alone knew what was going on behind those green eyes of his, but Akane doubted it was the same thing going through hers. Leo was a good man, but he wasn’t a Blade and never would be.

  “You helped, didn’t you?” Akane opened her sight, hoping she’d catch a glimpse of how Tristan wound up Glorianna’s errand boy on this one. “She knew all along, didn’t she?”

  “Who?” Leo threw his hands up. “I swear if someone doesn’t start explaining
this shit to me I’m going to explode!” Golden sparks danced across his skin and through his hair.

  “Then let me shed some light for you.” Akane allowed her inner fire to glow under her skin, reminding Tristan just what he was dealing with. “You helped first Cullen, then Kaitlynn, and finally Charles, didn’t you?”

  Tristan nodded. “My goal was to get information, but somehow each one died before I had enough to bring to Glorianna. She blames Jaden rather than my own failures.” He lifted his head, his face ravaged. “If they succeed… But how do I take visions to my Queen as proof?”

  “You don’t. Jaden said you found enough on Henri’s computer to get him eliminated.”

  “But the hydra would live on.” Robin, almost forgotten he’d gone so still and quiet, stepped into Akane’s light. “We need to chop off all the heads.”

  “Or fulfill the prophecy.” Shane slipped his arms around Akane, unafraid of her fire. “One way or another, we have to stop Henri from gaining control of Leo.”

  “The thing is, the prophecy is so fucking vague how will we even know if it’s been fulfilled?”

  “What is the prophecy?” Tristan stared around at all of them, his confusion clear. “I’ve heard that we need the child of Dunne but I’m not far enough in the inner circle to find out anything more.”

  Akane spoke the words her mother had given Clan Malmayne, sealing all of their fates. “The child of Dunne will one day perform an act that will change our world.”

  Tristan blinked. “That’s it?”

  Akane shrugged. “That’s it.”

  “But…that could be any of you!”

  “Exactly. But for some reason the Malmaynes have it in their thick skulls that only Leo can produce the child spoken of in the prophecy.”

  Tristan shook his head. “But…what about Sean’s children? I’d think one of them would be the one to fulfill the prophecy, not some unnamed, unborn child.” His expression turned horrified. “Unless that was why they’re pushing so hard for marriage with Leo. They’re hedging their bets.”

  “That’s what we think.” Duncan pushed away from the wall and stared up at the ceiling. “Jaden’s out. Moira’s going to stay with him a bit longer and make sure the nightmares don’t return.” He transferred his gaze to Tristan, silver lights dancing around him like fireflies, a Sidhe lord in full wrath. Tristan’s power paled beside Duncan’s. “Now. Tell me what the hell is going on in my former clan.”

  He left unspoken the or else.

  * * *

  Chapter Seven

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”

  Akane glanced up at Shane through her lashes. They’d retired to Shane’s workshop, and now he was at his workbench, staring into space. He was busy curling metal shavings, for what she had no clue. “About?”

  “The tattoo on my arm.”

  Akane froze. Tattoo? “Let me see.” She grabbed hold of his arm and pulled it toward her. There, curled on his forearm, was her dragon, its tail forming the symbol of infinity. She thought back to when they’d made love, and her idea that, if he was going to mate a dragon, he was going to do it right. She barely remembered taking the energy of their combined orgasm and focusing it on his arm. It had been pure instinct to do so, and now they were bound by more than a Sidhe’s Claiming. “Oh crap.”


  “Crappity crap crap.” She ran her fingers through her hair. What was she supposed to do now? This wasn’t supposed to happen yet!

  A slow grin began to take over Shane’s face. “You marked me.”

  Akane began to back up as Shane started toward her, a feral gleam in his eye. “You know, maybe we should concentrate on what Tristan said earlier.”

  “About what? Henri, the computer files, or his refusal to name his partner?”

  Akane nodded.

  “Nah. I’m more interested in my new tat, Miz Akane.” He stroked his finger down the dragon’s back, and Akane shivered. Beneath her skin she could feel her wings trying to unfurl.

  They were back in his studio, the one place where Shane was completely free to be himself. Akane found herself liking the space more and more the longer she stayed here, but if they were going to live on the damn farm she planned on having her own house built. She’d have to corner Sean and find out what piece of land he was willing to let his son and daughter-in-law have. Hell, she planned on making Shane buy her a condo in Omaha. She already owned one in New York and L.A.

  Maybe she could get him to buy one in Milan?

  “Eep!” She dodged out of the way of his grasping hands, startled to realize how close she’d allowed him to get to her. All because she’d been distracted by visions of enjoying her mate in Italy. Pasta and piazzas and her mate naked in the light of Milan? Or better yet, Tuscany? Mrow. “Down boy.”

  “You mated me.” The gleam in his eye did not bode well for her plans that evening. She was tired, but Robin had requested she do an aerial recon over Leo’s place “just in case”. When the Hob asked you to do something “just in case” it usually meant he had a good idea that something was about to go down and you were his best defense against it.

  Shane ran his finger down the front of the dragon, and Akane squealed. It was like he’d stroked her from head to toe. She shook her finger at him. “Bad Shane!”

  His brows rose. “Oh?” That wicked, evil finger flicked over the horns of his dragon tattoo and Akane’s knees damn near gave out. She stumbled back against his workbench, her pussy clenching at the sensations he’d managed to pull from her just by touching her mark on his arm.


  “Shane.” He looked way too satisfied, and she had far too much to do to get sucked in right then. Robin was waiting for… Oh. Oh. Her head fell back as his fingers continued to stroke his tattoo in all the right places. “Oh fuck. Shane.”

  “What a good idea.” Shane grabbed her shoulders and pushed her to her knees. “Mind giving me a hand with something?”

  Akane rolled her eyes. “Let me guess.”

  He pulled down his zipper and unleashed the beast. “Good guess.” His finger stroked between the dragon’s thighs and Akane jumped. “But I have a unique rewards system set up by my loving fiancée.”

  Akane smirked. “Does she know you’re about to do me in your workroom?”

  Shane’s expression was anything but innocent. “Shh. Don’t tell her.”

  Akane snorted and licked the head of his cock. She looked up from under her lashes, using every wile she’d ever used on a mark to get Shane to be as crazy for her as she was for him. “If she finds out she’ll fry your ass.”

  “Then we’d better make this quick. She’ll be back any minute now.”

  Akane blew warm smoke over his cock. “Is she dangerous?”

  Shane nodded. He couldn’t seem to take his eyes off the sight of her lips so close to his cock. Akane licked them, and those sapphire eyes darkened with want. “More dangerous than you could ever imagine.”

  She smiled. She liked that. She rewarded him by taking him into her mouth, sucking on the head of his cock until his hand left that damn tattoo. He buried his hands in her hair, toying with the long curls. He let her set the pace, how deep she took him. But those hands remained, reminding her that of what she needed. All she had to do was drop enough of her Seeming to allow her horns to peek through, and Shane would take care of her.

  If she let him, he would always take care of her.

  Shane watched as Akane swallowed him down. He bit back a moan at the feel of her hot mouth around his dick. Gods, he’d never get enough of the heat of his dragon mate. It took everything in him not to thrust, not to force himself further into her mouth. He wanted her to do this, to know that he might be able to torture her with the tattoo but all she had to do was give him one look from those pretty eyes of hers and he was lost.

  She glanced up at him and suckled, her tongue stroking the underside of his cock in a firm, mind-blowing rhythm. Shane swore his eyes crossed. �
�Gods, a ghrà. Suck it. Please.”

  Akane obeyed, her head bobbing, her curls swinging around her face. He bent down and managed to reach her nipple. He stroked it, teased it, twisted it until her hips were moving, practically begging him to take down her jeans and fuck her.

  “I’m going to fuck you on my workbench. I’m going to lift you up, rip those jeans off and spread you wide.” Shane couldn’t stop himself. He began to fuck her mouth, sliding between her lips. He glared wildly at the table top, the metal shavings he’d been toying with still there. He couldn’t put her naked ass onto the table without damaging it, not with the metal there.

  “It won’t hurt me, remember?”

  He stared at her, confused. What in hell was she talking about?

  Akane rolled her eyes and stood. “Someone’s brains have traveled south.” She breathed flame hot enough to melt metal, smiling in satisfaction as it pooled down to molten silver and copper. “There. Problem solved.”

  He nodded. “I love an inventive woman.”

  He unzipped her jeans. Oh. Oh hell, she’d worn white lace again. He was such a goner. He tugged the jeans down her legs, loving the smooth, silky skin he unveiled. Shane gripped her hips and pulled her close, licking that white lace and what lay beneath.

  She tapped the top of his head. “Up on the table, Farm Boy.”

  That wicked smile was back on her face. He had no idea what she had in mind, but if the heat in her gaze was any indication he was going to love every minute of it. Shane slipped his pants and shoes off before hopping onto the table. Strangely, the heat from the silver didn’t seem to bother him. Perhaps the mark she’d given him protected him?

  Akane didn’t seem to notice anything out of the ordinary. She slid her top and jeans off, revealing more white lace.

  Shane stroked his cock. “Have I mentioned I love you in white lace?”

  She climbed up onto the table and dropped her Seeming. Her wings stretched above them. Shane watched as his personal debauched angel straddled his hips. “I’m spread. Now what?”


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